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China is laughing: Defense Dept. memo absolves 'transgender' troops from deploying if they're on hormone therapy
By jdheyes // 2023-07-21
Our enemies are growing stronger while the left-wing lunatics running Joe Biden's administration continue to destroy our culture, tear down our society, and ruin the greatest military on the planet. According to Breitbart News, a Defense Department memo dated in February states that any service member receiving hormone therapy because they believe they can change their biological gender will not have to deploy. This comes at a time when a) our military is undermanned and understaffed; and b) recruiters are finding it impossible to meet congressionally-mandated recruitment goals for nearly all branches. The memo, first obtained and published by The Dossier, directs that most military members “will require up to 300 days to be stabilized on cross-sex hormone therapy, and they will remain in a non-deployable status during that time.” That timetable, meanwhile, is contingent on when the service member is "clinically stabilized." The memo lists other procedures and therapies that transgender soldiers may get at the Womack Army Medical Center at Fort Liberty at taxpayer expense. The memo stated that transgender military members might request "surgical care," such as "upper" and "bottom" surgery, after completing a year of hormone therapy. The transgender service members could potentially ask for surgery without first undergoing hormone therapy, according to the statement. Mind you, it's a privilege to serve in the U.S. military, not a "right" and certainly, at present, not a requirement. Also note that the lunatic Biden handlers had him reverse President Donald Trump's policy of requiring troops to serve as their biological gender, not what they think they are or are trying to pretend to be. Breitbart News adds: The memo said “Upper” surgery can be performed at WAMC and is a covered benefit, but that surgeries that could not be performed at WAMC, to include “bottom” surgery and “voice feminization” surgery, were not covered. (All transitioning service members will be offered voice and communication therapy, the memo said). The memo said that facial/body contouring could be performed at WAMC, but was not covered since it is considered cosmetic. Laser hair removal was not considered cosmetic, but medically necessary in the case of “bottom” surgery. According to the memo, the gender transition process could span from 9 to 18 months for service members. Throughout this period, a service member has the option to request an exception to policy, allowing them to follow "self-identified gender standards" for various aspects, including uniform, grooming, fitness testing, billeting, bathrooms, and shower facilities. As per the memo, transgender service members who require medical treatment must coordinate the timeline of their treatment with their unit commanders. But, a sample medical treatment plan that was issued with the memo stated that commanders “may not deny medically necessary care,” but the “timeline for specific treatments may be adjusted to minimize readiness impact.” The commander of the Womack Army Medical Center, Army Col. David Ross Zinnante, signed the memo. The memo offers the WAMC staff revised guidelines on how to treat transgender service members following the policy issued by the Biden Administration in April 2021, which permits transgender individuals to serve in the military. Breitbart noted further: "The Biden administration’s policy reversed the Trump administration’s policy, which allowed transgender troops to serve only in their biological sex and prohibited those diagnosed with gender dysphoria, a condition where the service member was experiencing psychological distress over remaining in their biological sex." This insane nonsense will continue until 1) we get all Democrats out of positions of authority; or 2) our military suffers a major, humiliating defeat (which we really do not want to see, by the way). Sources include: