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Dr. McCullough says Jamie Foxx contacted him post-COVID jab, urges actor to speak out publicly
By ethanh // 2023-07-27
It is clear from what has transpired and come to light that actor and comedian Jamie Foxx was, in fact, seriously injured by Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines." And Dr. Peter McCullough, the world's leading COVID expert and jab critic, wants Foxx to come clean publicly for the benefit of others. Foxx developed a serious blood clot in his brain that, by all appearances, was caused by his having to get injected for covid as a condition of participating in Hollywood. (Related: Check out our earlier coverage about the events leading up to Foxx's coerced decision to get jabbed for covid in order to act in a movie.) Hollywood journalist A.J. Benza famously came forward to state that Foxx allegedly suffered partial paralysis and blindness, along with other complications, as a direct result of his getting jabbed for the Fauci Flu. "Jamie had a blood clot in his brain after he got the shot," Benza stated in an interview with Dr. Drew Pinsky. "He did not want the shot, but the movie he was on, he was pressured to get it."

Foxx says he isn't blind and didn't become paralyzed, but did go "to hell and back"

It took three months after the incident for Foxx to address it. After undergoing serious hospitalization for the adverse effects that the shots caused him, Foxx appeared on Instagram where he told his followers about what happened. "I went through something that I thought I would never, ever go through," Foxx told his Instagram followers. Foxx did not reveal any further details about his condition, nor did he connect the dots in a way that would allow his followers and the general public to put two and two together, which is important if we are ever going to get to the bottom of what Fauci Flu shots are doing to people's bodies. "I just didn't want you to see me like that, man ... I didn't want you to see me with tubes running out of me and trying to figure out if I was going to make it through," Foxx added. Foxx did take the opportunity to address rumors that he had gone blind or become paralyzed, which he says are false. "Some people said I was blind? But as you can see, the eyes are working. Said I was paralyzed? I'm not paralyzed. But I did go through ... I went to hell and back. And my road to recovery had some potholes as well." "It's been tough, man. I was sick, man, but now I got my legs under me, so you're going to see me out." Roughly a year ago, Foxx spoke directly with McCullough about the hell he went through, explaining that he had profound misgivings about getting the COVID jab. McCullough followed up that conversation with an article about how he hopes Foxx will come forward to tell all about the horrors he endured. "As a public figure and practicing doctor, I get calls and questions from patients and family members every day all over the world," McCullough wrote. "Without engaging in a doctor-patient relationship in the clinic or hospital, I cannot make a diagnosis or give direct medical advice or care. However, I can help audiences develop an interpretive framework in public commentary." "I was asked by Dan Ball on 'Real America' about the condition of beloved actor Jamie Foxx. I had met Foxx in 2021 and we had a personal conversation about the COVID-19 vaccines. While that remains confidential, I can tell you I am concerned that if indeed he has suffered a stroke or intracranial hemorrhage, the long-term prognosis may not be good." The latest news about the mounting injury and death tolls from COVID injections can be found at Sources for this article include: