“Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future?” Ocasio-Cortez wrote in a tweet on Nov. 6. “I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future.” The purpose of the lists would be to track Trump’s appointees and supporters. Hari Sevugan, a former Democratic National Committee (DNC) spokesman, responded to AOC by writing on Twitter, “You better believe it. We just launched the Trump Accountability Project to make sure anyone who took a paycheck to help Trump undermine America is held responsible for what they did.” On its website, Sevugan’s group described its purpose as “to make sure those members of the Trump administration responsible for loosening the guardrails of our democracy are not rewarded with book deals, TV contracts, or six-figure salaries in the private sector based on that experience.”Over the course of the Trump presidency, we have detailed riots and violence against Trump supporters, and have often posited that America was in the midst of a cold civil war, that has already caused some blood on the streets as Antifa groups, aka the paramilitary arm of the Democrat party (at least until their own monsters turn against them), attack anyone that disagrees with their ideology. One would think that if Biden is seated, liberals would calm the heck down, at least until the next election cycle in 2022, but that is nothing more than wishful thinking. Again, this is not just opinion, as we see references to "re-education camps" for Trump supporters, along with "firing squads," and more censorship of conservatives and conservative news. When someone tells you outright they want to destroy you, it is prudent to listen to them and prepare accordingly. Many have already done so. Knowing that Joe Biden is a gun grabber that pushes gun control, in 2020 gun and ammunitions sales skyrocketed, breaking every record available, because patriots were preparing for a possible Biden presidency. Many preppers have restocked or expanded their stocks of food, water and basic necessities, knowing that should these violence libs get even worse, conservatives will rise up, and the second American civil war will be hot, and supply chains will be even more disrupted than they are now, so what they have, is all they will have for a while. Just as Obama did, Biden will protect Antifa when they get violent, attempt to excuse the rioting every time a police shooting occurs, whether justified or not, while attempting to take Americans Second Amendment rights away from. An SQ note on a related link said "Prepare for War," which I grabbed for part of my headline, and that is the point here... we must prepare, in every way imaginable, for the attacks against conservatives, incited by liberal democrat politicians, and encouraged by the liberal establishment media, to not only continue, but to get worse as they will be emboldened by a new administration. BOTTOM LINE The bottom line here is very simple. If you disagree with radical liberals, they want you punished, "re-educated," and some have no problem making it clear they prefer conservatives be dead. Never doubt that radical liberals want you dead. Period.
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