GAIN-OF-FUNCTION CAT-BIRD-FLU now on the rise as nearly a dozen cats in Colorado “test positive” for Bird Flu due to contaminated cat food
- Alleged Cat-Bird Flu Outbreak – Nearly a dozen cats in Colorado reportedly tested positive for avian flu (H5N1) after consuming contaminated chicken-flavored cat food, with a claimed 90% fatality rate among infected cats.
- Conspiracy-Driven Narrative – The article frames the outbreak as a potential "Plandemic," suggesting gain-of-function research (funded by USAID/Biden) engineered the virus to spread from birds to cats to humans, echoing COVID-era fearmongering.
- Lockdowns & mRNA Fears – Satirical calls for cat masking, social distancing, and lockdowns are paired with warnings about mRNA vaccines for pets, claiming they may cause "shedding" of spike proteins or prion diseases.
- Broader Anti-Pharma Sentiment – Links the incident to past outbreaks (COVID, Ebola, Zika) as part of a pattern of "Big Pharma" and government collusion to profit from bioweapons or forced vaccinations.
Are cats in Colorado eating contaminated bat soup? Will the next Plandemic of “Bird Flu” spread because cats are eating infected chicken-flavor cat food and then sneezing the gain-of-function Cat Flu on their human keepers? Be sure to mask up your cats and dogs 24/7/365 and keep them at least 6 feet away from each other and your children until this whole CatBirdFlu-Cov-25 “curve” is flattened out. That’s right, eleven cats have tested “positive,” whatever that means, for bird flu after Big Food recalled more of their contaminated cat food from the markets. Those darned PCR tests keep coming back positive every time. They must be right, right?
Suddenly, now cats are now the new
potential vector for transmitting
GAIN OF FUNCTION avian influenza that somehow is now jumping from birds to cats to humans, thanks to USAID and Biden funding bioweapon labs around the world to create “novel” viruses that can be used against humanity to kill us off or make us all sick to death for money.
Bird Flu, Cat Flu, Monkey Pox, Zika, Ebola, Covid, and Swine are all coming to a Big Pharma theatre near you – lock’em down Warden!
If your cat is not already restricted to your home as a house cat, get ready for kitty lockdowns. If the veterinarian injects your cat with mRNA spike proteins, you might watch out for a whole new kind of SHEDDING your cat does, and we’re not talking about fur, but spike prions that cause infections to spread and immune function breakdown.
The Colorado Department of Agriculture posted on Facebook on Wednesday that 11 cats, including indoor-only and indoor-outdoor cats, had reportedly contracted the avian flu, and the fearmongering doesn’t stop there. According to the department, only ONE of the cats survived. That’s a 93 percent death rate for cats that catch the Biden Bird Flu.
Will the government have to “put down” a billion cats like they do the chickens every time a few of them catch a virus? Will Cat-Bird-Flu travel to Canada and Mexico, or can it not cross borders and tall walls? Infected cats don’t eat much and they lay around the house all day (don’t they do that anyway?).
Infected cats also suffer from severe depression, just ask them and you’ll know. Or, you can take them to a cat psychiatrist for treatment (electric shocks, remdesivir, more toxic jabs and a ventilator). Cats can avoid infection by not eating raw bats at Wuhan markets or raw chicken.
The most recent
recall of toxic cat food applies to specific lots
of Savage Cat Food‘s large and small chicken boxes, which were sold at retailers in California, Colorado, New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington.
“Cats appear to be particularly susceptible to severe illness, often resulting in death,” the
AVMA said in a statement. “The risk of
cat-to-human transmission is considered extremely low but may increase with prolonged, unprotected exposure to infected animals, or if Fauci’s gain-of-function scientists can figure out a way to make it spread easier, like Covid.
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