NEW: The Walgreens at 16th/Geary in San Francisco has chained up the freezer section ⛓️
Workers said normally shoplifters clean out all the pizza and ice cream every night. They’re usually hit 20x a day. The whole store is virtually locked up. @KPIXtv h/t — Betty Yu (@bett_yu) July 18, 2023
Now it's ten years later. It has taken millions of dollars and thousands of man-hours in multiple attempts to exterminate this ridiculous set of laws.
Through those years, choruses of "something must be done!" echoed from city council chambers in every major city. Chaos peaked during the "Criminals' Lives Matter but Yours Don't" movement in California. On Tuesday, voters took a decisive step towards sanity by passing Proposition 36. Under this change, crime will start being illegal again. Acts of theft will be combined to reach the threshold requiring punishment, and addicts will be "incentivized" at drug court to go into treatment. It's a start. Los Angeles voters also made a big move on Tuesday. After George Gascon left the San Francisco DA's office, the woke grifter brought his act to LA and voters there made him their district attorney. But on Tuesday, voters took out the trash. Gascon was voted out by 61% of the voters. And Kamala lost her race, too. Yes, it was a very good day Tuesday. Read more at: PJMedia.comLiberals vow to prioritize abortion “rights” in Canada’s upcoming federal election
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Did Trump cave to pro-Israel neocons?
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Federal court filing exposes MAJOR FRAUD in “sale of Infowars to The Onion
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Southwest Airlines jet hit with GUNFIRE at Dallas Love Field Airport in bizarre shooting
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Mike Adams calls for RFK Jr. to disavow pro-vaccine article amid MAHA movement crisis
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The digital control grid is taking shape under the Trump Administration
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