John’s affidavit gets to the heart of the matter:
- As a result, allegations of problems with the delivery of mail-in ballots by the USPS were rampant and continue, to this day, to be challenged. As time passes, the allegations are not being disproven but, in fact, many of the allegations have turned out to be true.
- These allegations include, but are not limited to, lost mail-in ballots (which were subsequently found after the elections), late delivery of mail-in ballots, improperly post-marked mail-in ballots that were still allowed to proceed to their destination despite post-marks being provided on valid mail-in ballots, and fraudulent mail-in ballots being sent via USPS.
The goal of this lawsuit is to prevent the USPS from interfering in the upcoming election. It is important to note that the shipment picked up by Mr. Morgan was not the only one. It is the only one where John Moynihan and Larry Doyle obtained corroborating evidence. The lawsuit seeks the following remedies:
- On November 21, 2020, Doyle and I participated in a phone call with a contact (“NC”) who notified us of allegations that the United States Postal Service (“USPS”) experienced certain “failures” involving mail-in ballots during the 2020 Presidential Election and wondered if we would assist with the investigation.
- On November 24, 2020, Doyle and I met with NC and others in Arlington, VA to discuss the investigation and learn about the whistleblower, Jesse Richard Morgan, a truck driver employed by a contractor for the USPS who alleged he carried mail-in ballots among USPS facilities in Bethpage, NY, Harrisburg, PA, and Lancaster, PA (“Affiant Morgan”).
- On November 25, 2020, Doyle and I began our investigation in earnest and identified a few companies of interest and, within those companies, employees who may have information.
- As a result of Affiant Morgan, Doyle and I focused our investigation on the USPS facility on Grumman Road in Bethpage, NY (“Grumman Road Facility”).
- On November 27, 2020, I enlisted the assistance of former colleagues from the DEA who are retired and live near the Grumman Road Facility.
- On November 30, 2020, after learning the identities of several USPS employees within the Grumman Road Facility with whom Affiant Morgan had contact, Doyle and I conducted an interview with one such USPS employee (“CI-1”).
- CI-1 stated the following facts: a. CI-1 is involved with loading trucks at the Grumman Road Facility – known as an expeditor. b. CI-1 told us that the Grumman Road Facility has never processed firstclass mail and still does not process mail because the facility does not have the proper equipment to do so (allegedly known as an “Oregon Machine”). c. CI-1 stated that mail-in ballots were in the gaylords with signatures on the outside envelope at the facility on numerous occasions and asked a supervisor about what to do with them. d. CI-1 was told to just get them loaded onto the trailers for delivery and to get them to their destination. e. CI-1 told us that the Grumman Road Facility is only equipped to process packages and express mail, not first-class mail. f. Doyle and I asked a few more times if CI-1 was sure that ballots were seen at the Grumman Road Facility and CI-1 confirmed each time.
- On December 2, 2020, after having spoken with a Postal Inspector with knowledge of the Grumman Road Facility (“CI-2”), I asked if the Grumman Road Facility would receive and process first-class mail. CI-2 told me the following:
- a. The Grumman Road Facility only handles parcel post.
- b. Mail-in ballots should not have been delivered to the Grumman Road
- Facility because the facility does not have the processing machines (the Oregon Machine)
- required to handle the processing of first-class mail or bulk mail.
It has taken four years for this to come to light. There was fraud in the 2020 Presidential election and the USPS played a critical role in making that happen. We will see where this goes. You can find the complaint here — Case 1:24-cv-02442-ADC Document 1 Filed 08/22/24 Page 1 of 21. I will post a link once I find one. Read more at:
- Declaring that Maryland’s reliance on the United States Postal Service to deliver the ballots of its citizens is unconstitutional in violation of the First and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution and a violation of the Maryland Constitution;
- Enjoining Defendants Lee and Summers and their respective agents, officers, employees, and successors, and all persons acting in concert with them, from allowing no-excuse mail-in voting until it can be shown that the United States Postal Service can adequately delivers all mail-in ballots to the boards of elections around the state;
- Enjoining Defendant USPS from participating in the collection and delivery of mail-in ballots;
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