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Macron dissolves French parliament after Le Pen THRASHES his party at National Rally for European elections
By ethanh // 2024-06-16
French President Emmanuel Macron dissolved his nation's parliament over the weekend after the political thrashing that reportedly occurred at the hands of Marine Le Pen's National Rally in the European Elections. Projections on Sunday afternoon show Le Pen's National Rally securing around 32 percent of the vote, which is much higher than the roughly 15 percent garnered by Macron and his centrist Renaissance party. The thrashing incurred by Macron and his party represents a massive setback for the controversial leader, who continues to warn that the European Union (EU) is at risk unless his party secures a win this year. The next presidential election in France will not take place until 2027, but this year is when the tides are expected to turn for the political party in charge, which will apparently no longer be the Renaissance party. According to the National Rally's Jordan Bardella, the vote over the weekend represents "a verdict against which there is no appeal," meaning the right-wing party is now in the lead. Bardella also criticized Macron as a "weakened" leader. (Related: In early May, Hungarian foreign minister Peter Szijjarto warned that Macron is pushing the globe towards World War III.)

European populace wants an end to immigration, left-wing tyranny

All across Europe, populism is taking the lead as Europeans have come to the stark realization that left-wing leaders like Macron, a former Rothschild banker, have herded them and their countries off the proverbial cliff. Much like what happened here in the United States with the 2016 election of Donald Trump, right-wing populist leaders across Europe are seeing a surge of support as the European people rally together in opposition to mass immigration and other left-wing policies that have all but destroyed the continent. While not every single nation in Europe is leaning to the right this political season, many of them are. This means major changes are coming to a continent that is on the brink of collapse as migrants from the poorest and most dangerous places in the world are shipped in by the millions to wreak havoc on native populations. Reports suggest that France's domestic legislative elections will take place between June 30 and July 7 with two voting rounds. As for the European Parliament elections that took place across 27 EU member states, Macron may have taken a shellacking but he does still have the corporate media and donor class on his side, so we shall see what transpires in the coming days. Over in Germany, often considered to be the powerhouse of Europe alongside France, the populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) party did not receive quite as much support as Le Pen's National Rally did in France. At the same time, AfD could soon form an alliance with the smaller right-populist Reconquest Party in the upcoming snap election. It is important to note that AfD did place ahead of Chancellor Olaf Scholz's Social Democrats party, as well as far ahead of his coalition partners in the far-left Greens and neoliberal Free Democrats party, which just goes to show that the German people are sick and tired of the far-left destruction of their country just like the French people are of theirs. "The 13.9 percent secured by the Social Democrats is its worst result in a national election since the end of the Second World War," reported The National Pulse about the situation in Germany. "Support for the far-left Greens has halved in five years. Before Scholz became Chancellor, the 'center-right' Christian Democratic Union (CDU) under Angela Merkel had led the government for four consecutive terms, and its dire European results indicate it is likely to end up back in opposition after a single term." The latest news about the political upsets taking place across Europe can be found at Sources for this article include: