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COINCIDENCE? Health officials warn about bird flu outbreak just in time for the vote on WHO's pandemic treaty
By bellecarter // 2024-05-29
For the past few months, health officials have been issuing threats and warnings about the potential for a bird flu or H5N1 pandemic among humans. While the current public health risk is low, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claims to be watching the situation carefully and working with states to monitor people with animal exposure. On May 22, the agency confirmed a new human infection with the H5 avian influenza virus. Since 2022, the total number of reported human cases in the United States is three, two of which got the flu following an exposure to dairy cows and one after an exposure to poultry. All of them had only mild symptoms and there is no evidence yet of human-to-human transmission. As the narrative that the avian flu could be the next "big" pandemic, regardless of its slow transmission rate, public health authorities are on high alert, with half of the national pandemic stockpile of H5N1 vaccine being made ready to deploy. Incidentally, global governments agreed to continue working on the proposed pandemic treaty. They prepared and refined the draft of the agreement ahead of the World Health Organization's (WHO) 77th World Health Assembly, which started on May 27 in Geneva, Switzerland. Attendees at the WHO headquarters in Geneva agreed to resume hybrid and in-person discussions to advance work on critical issues. Member nations will cast their votes on the final draft of the global pandemic treaty. Analysts say it is fully expected to pass. Member State-led Intergovernmental Negotiating Body Bureau Co-Chair Dr. Precious Matsoso said progress had been made during this latest round of discussions on a wide range of issues contained in the draft agreement. "We are witnessing history play out before our eyes during this process, with the coming together of all countries to decide a binding pact to protect all citizens of the world," said Matsoso. "This is not a simple exercise. This is the first-ever process to develop a proposed agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response." Renowned author Michael Snyder wrote about how these two globalists' efforts coincidentally surfaced at the same time. Snyder said that if the bird flu mutates into a form that can spread easily from human to human, that will create an enormous amount of fear and the death toll could potentially be catastrophic. "In such an environment, what sort of extreme measures would the WHO decide to institute?" he wrote on his blog. He pointed out how the pandemic treaty negotiations have been taking place for the last two years despite us being told that the agreement has been "watered down." However, the truth is that all that has changed is that some language has been made vaguer. "If this treaty passes, when the next pandemic erupts the WHO will be running the show, and most people in the general population do not realize this," he warned. "The next pandemic may be a lot closer than most of us think." (Related: Dr. Joseph Mercola: Bird flu can’t kill humans – unless it is WEAPONIZED.)

U.S., Europe scrambling for H5N1 vaccines

Amid the "fearmongered" clamor concerning H5N1, the United States and Europe are now moving to acquire or manufacture bird flu vaccines they claim are for at-risk poultry and dairy workers, veterinarians and lab technicians. U.S. officials last week said they were moving bulk vaccine from CSL Seqirus that closely matches the current virus into finished shots that could provide 4.8 million doses of vaccine. European health officials told Reuters they were in talks to acquire CSL's pre-pandemic vaccine. Meanwhile, Canadian health officials said they have met with GSK, the maker of Canada's seasonal flu shots, to discuss acquiring and manufacturing a pre-pandemic bird flu vaccine once its seasonal flu production capacity is freed up. Other countries, including the U.K., are discussing how to proceed on pre-pandemic vaccines, scientists said. "All of our efforts need to be focused on preventing those events from happening," said Matthew Miller, co-director of the Canadian Pandemic Preparedness Hub at McMaster University. "Once we have widespread infections of humans, we are in big trouble." The U.S. has contracts with CSL and GSK to test pre-pandemic vaccines that more closely match the circulating virus than older H5N1 vaccines in the stockpile. The country is moving forward with the CSL vaccine, a Department of Health and Human Services official confirmed. Wendy Barclay, chair in influenza virology at University College London, said discussions about pre-pandemic vaccine use are going on at government levels and among scientists in several places, including in the United Kingdom. If deployed strategically to dairy farmers, healthcare workers and those in close contact with infected animals, "it would put a pin in the virus," she said, although she said it was not clear if this step was necessary yet. Visit to read more stories about bird flu. Watch the video below that talks about the CDC warning over symptomless bird flu. This video is from the Evolutionary Energy Arts channel on

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