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Climate professor Bill McGuire tweets that "culling" human population is only way to prevent a climate breakdown
By ethanh // 2024-05-19
The only way to save the planet from getting too hot and melting is to kill off millions or even billions of people with another "pandemic," according to Prof. Bill McGuire, a well-known vulcanologist and climate scientist. On X, McGuire tweeted a controversial message stating that the only "realistic" way to reduce emissions as substantially and quickly as he feels is needed to save the world from climate change and "avoid (a) catastrophic [climate] breakdown" is "the culling of the human population by a pandemic with a very high fatality rate." Within hours of tweeting this, McGuire deleted it – not because he regretted it, mind you, but because he received so much public backlash that he could no longer take the heat. "RIGHT," McGuire screamed in his following tweet. "I AM DELETING THE INITIAL TWEET NOT. NOT BECAUSE I REGRET IT, BUT BECAUSE SO MANY PEOPLE OUT THERE HAVE MISTAKENLY, OR INTENTIONALLY, TAKEN IT THE WRONG WAY." (Related: Back in December, the head of COP28 told a crowd that there is "no science" out there to back phasing out fossil fuels in order to stop global warming.)

Who thinks this way?

McGuire did not get off the hook for the first tweet as easily as he had hoped by tweeting the second one. Meteorologist Chris Martz (@ChrisMartzWX) responded to McGuire by explaining that nobody "took it the wrong way." "It was crystal clear," Martz added about what McGuire said in his original tweet. "You believe the best way to 'save the planet' is to reduce the human population, but you don't want to volunteer to go first and lead by your own example because you think your existence is superior to everyone else." "And to the folks reading this, academic institutions you send your children to for a higher education are infested with dangerous people with this mentality. They hate you." Dr. Aaron Thierry also responded to McGuire by expressing dismay over his original message. "The argument is baseless, but worse it's a remark that bolsters eco-fascism." "I bet you were disappointed when The Covid® turned out to be a big flop," wrote another. McGuire responded again to all this by claiming that everyone criticizing him "can't read." "I SAID 'THE ONLY WAY I SEE EMISSIONS FALLING AS FAST AS THEY NEED TO ...,'" McGuire wrote, again in an all-caps online yelling voice. "I DID NOT SAY 'WE NEED A PANDEMIC ...'" "I COULD HAVE SAID SOCIETY-BUSTING ASTEROID IMPACT INSTEAD OF PANDEMIC." To be fair, McGuire did not explicitly state that he is rooting for another "pandemic" or an asteroid to strike and take out the world. He seems to be implying it, but he was never so direct like that and is now denying it. At the same time, he dug his own grave even deeper with his follow-up tweet about an asteroid impact. Numerous people responded to his second tweet by stating that McGuire's language is suggestive that he wants a big catastrophe to happen in order for the planet to stay protected from melting due to emissions. "I'm convinced that people like McGuire and other climate catastrophists are actually rooting for the end of the world," wrote Rick Moran for PJ Media. "They dream of melting glaciers, rivers flooding across the land, oceans covering skyscrapers, and Middle America becoming a desert." "Just think of all the room they'd have then. No need to rub elbows with the riff-raff and the plebes. Just McGuire and his fellow climate alarmists sitting among the ruins congratulating themselves on being so right." The latest climate-related news can be found at Sources for this article include: