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Tired of being called "anti" simply for having an opinion counter to someone else
By newseditors // 2024-05-17
Bully is defined as “a noisy, blustering overbearing fellow, more distinguished for insolence and empty menaces, than for courage, and disposed to provoke quarrels.” (Article by Coach Dave Daubenmire republished from Have you ever noticed that the Left is ANTI everything wholesome and that they are hell-bent on making you accept it? Anti, according to Webster, means “A preposition signifying against, opposite, contrary, or in place of; used in many English words.” So…I am anti…anti…meaning I am sick and tied of being called “anti” simply because I have an opinion counter to someone else.  It happened again to me this weekend.  I got myself into a heap bowl of chili simply by asking an obvious question that I didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to think out loud. (The thought police on the Right can be just as vicious as those on the LEFT.) So, dumb me, I opened my mouth and innocently said “why are we spending billions of dollars protecting the Israeli border while ours is wide open?” You would have thought I had passed gas.  Crinkled noses and squinted eyes greeted my simple, honest question. ANTI-SEMITE!!  Their eyes screamed!  How dare you question the Nation of Israel!!  Those are God’s chosen people? I never said ANYTHING about the Jewish people but simply asked why we weren’t protecting America?  I guess that asking the wrong question today makes you “anti” some protected class. If you question affirmative-action you are anti-black and anti-woman.  That is what they call a two-fer.  Asking an honest question now carries with it the possible accusation of being “anti” this or that. I simply wanted to know why our border was wide open…racist ole me. Have you noticed this new shame-you-into-silence approach to debate today?  You will find out very quickly who and what you are able to ask questions about.  So let me make a few confessions today that will hopefully clear the air. I am pro-American but anti-communist government.  Opposing the Luciferian government does not make me anti-American but pro-liberty. I prefer Kentucky Fried Chicken over McDonald’s but I am not anti-hamburger. I am attracted to woman…especially my wife…but that does not make me anti-homosexual. I prefer driving a car but I am not anti-bicycle. I think unborn children have a God-given right to live but that does not make me anti-woman. I think humans are born either male or female but that does not make me anti-sexual deviant. When my wife and I go out for a meal I will order a steak while she may get lobster…but that does not make me anti-crustacean. I support men playing men’s sports and women playing women’s sports but that does not make me anti-binary…(whatever the heck that means.) Pointing out the crisis of fatherlessness in the black community does not make me anti-black. Preferring Roseanne Barr over Whoopi Goldberg does not make me anti-stupid black women. Calling a plumber to my house does not make me anti-toilet backup…although I guess I am. Standing against Planned Parenthood does not make me anti-woman nor anti-choice.  It makes me PRO-baby. Objecting about the billions of dollars given to The Ukraine does not make me anti-Ukraine. You get the point…I could go on… Name calling is the fall-back position when you find yourself losing a debate.  No way could your argument be valid so please stop trying to confuse me with the facts.  Or, as Oprah would say, stop trying to change MY TRUTH.  Truth is nothing more than an opinion so stop confusing me with YOUR TRUTH.  Haven’t you figured that out yet? Anti-black.  Anti-Semite.  Anti-Gay.  Anti-woman.  Anti-choice.  Anti-Christ.  I’m sick of it all. I’m pro-America, pro-Jesus, pro-baby, pro-peace, pro-truth, pro-woman, pro-free speech, and pro equal justice. Webster’s defined bigotry “Obstinate or blind attachment to a particular creed, or to certain tenets; unreasonable zeal or warmth in favor of a party, sect or opinion; excessive prejudice.” When I grew up in the 60’s the bigots were on the Right.  Today, the thought police reside on the LEFT.  The LEFT are the real bigots. I am anti-bigot, anti-Left, and anti-suck on your thumb. A wise man once told me that a man is not free if his speech is not free.  As we used to say when we were young boys…you can like it or you can lump it. I’m thinking of having a tattoo printed on my forehead… WARNING: THOUGHTS MAY BREAK INTO WORDS AT ANY TIME! Lump it Lefties…and the horse you rode in on. Read more at: