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U.S. says Israel violated international weapons laws by using U.S. weapons to slaughter civilians
By ethanh // 2024-05-14
The Biden regime released a report this week indicating that there are reasonable grounds to believe that Israel committed, and still is committing, war crimes using weapons supplied to the Netanyahu regime by the United States. According to the State Department document, Israel is believed to have on several occasions used U.S.-supplied weapons in ways that are "inconsistent" with international humanitarian law. Washington thus far has been unable to definitively determine whether U.S.-supplied weapons were used in the incidents given the "lack of [U.S. government] personnel on the ground in Gaza." The report was compiled after President Biden back in February issued a national security memorandum, called NSM-20, to investigate whether Israel's claims of denial match reality. It would seem as though Israel is lying, at least in some cases, about what it is doing with U.S.-provided weaponry. (Related: There is no more way to get humanitarian aid into Gaza now that Israel has captured the border crossing at Rafah.)

Biden tasks Israel with investigating itself

If it is ultimately determined that Israel used U.S. weapons in violation of international law, then Washington would have to suspend all military assistance to the country. This would likely be the final nail in Israel's coffin, militarily speaking. The Zionist regime has not yet pulled the trigger on its final assault on Rafah, the last remaining area in Gaza where refugees and residents alike are bunkered together, likely praying for mercy. Though the State Department report is still incomplete, we know from what has been presented so far that investigators have "serious concerns" about what Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are doing in the Gaza Strip. One major incident on investigators' radar is the recent Israeli air strike on aid workers partnered with the World Central Kitchen charity, as well as IDF's "Flour Massacre" in northern Gaza. On top of that, IDF has also been caught attacking other international aid groups and charities operating in Gaza, using the excuse that Hamas militants are using Gaza civilians as "human shields" – the human shield argument coupled with the we're just defending ourselves argument constitute Israel's free pass to commit open genocide. "Israel has not shared complete information to verify whether U.S. defense articles covered under NSM-20 were specifically used in actions that have been alleged as violations of," the State Department report states. "Nevertheless, given Israel's significant reliance on U.S.-made defense articles, it is reasonable to assess that defense articles covered under NSM-20 have been used by Israeli security forces since October 7 in instances inconsistent with its IHL obligations or with established best practices for mitigating civilian harm." As usual, the Biden regime is also speaking out of the other side of its mouth by claiming that Israel's "overall commitment to IHL (international humanitarian law) is not necessarily disproven by individual IHL violations," whatever that is supposed to mean. Hilariously and also sadly, the Biden regime has now tasked Israel with investigating itself concerning whether or not these individual violations constitute an overall commitment to genocide. "The State Department will continue to engage with the Government of Israel to establish a dedicated channel ... to review incidents of concern and to make recommendations to reduce the risk of civilian harm," the report further states. Israel, meanwhile, claims that it is doing nothing wrong and that all humanitarian aid is making it to the civilians still living in Gaza. "We do not currently assess that the Israeli government is prohibiting or otherwise restricting the transport or delivery of U.S. humanitarian assistance within the meaning of section 620I of the Foreign Assistance Act," Israel has already responded. The Israeli government is digging its own grave deeper and deeper. Find out more at Sources for this article include: