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Declassified documents reveal current and former senators believe the government has secretly recovered UFOs of non-human origin
By kevinhughes // 2024-05-10
Several members of the United States Senate believe the government has secretly recovered alien craft of non-human origin. Recently declassified documents show how two members of the Senate's Democratic leadership – Sens. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and the late Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) – believe the federal government has hidden evidence of its encounters with UFOs. They are not alone in this. The Democratic leaders received crucial support and encouragement from a bipartisan group of prominent senators. This group includes former Senators Daniel Inouye (D-HI), Joe Lieberman (D-CT) and John McCain (R-AZ). Sitting Sens. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) have also voiced their support for Schumer and Reid. (Related: Sen. Marco Rubio, other lawmakers demand answers on UFOs and UAP.) In late 2011, the leading scientist at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) met with Reid and Lieberman, then-chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, to talk about the creation of an ultra-secret UFO program. As described in the recently declassified documents, the purpose of the suggested program was to "gain access to and inventory" UFOs secretly under investigation by America's national laboratories, other government organizations or even by government contractors. The program on that premise would take part in "laboratory experimentation" and "scientific investigation" to promote "technology exploitation" of the recovered materials. Reid and Lieberman reportedly supported setting up the program "with some sense of urgency," including its plan to reverse-engineer UFO technology. The Reid- and Lieberman-supported proposal even contain an initiative to interview a pre-identified "list of retired, previously highly placed government armed services, contractor and intelligence community individuals" purportedly with knowledge of the "location of advanced aerospace technology and biological samples."

 Schumer claims government has "great deal of information" about UFOs it is refusing to share

More recently, Schumer and a bipartisan group of five other senators have introduced legislation claiming the existence of clandestine government "legacy programs" that recover and seek to reverse-engineer UFOs of "non-human" origin. In remarks on the Senate floor, Schumer stated the government "has gathered a great deal of information about [UFOs] over many decades but has refused to share it with the American people." As stated by Schumer, "multiple credible sources" have claimed that elements of the American government have withheld UFO-connected information from Congress illegally. Schumer and the legislation's principal cosponsor, Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD), vowed to "keep working to change the status quo." The key elements of the legislation match the claims of Air Force veteran and former intelligence official David Grusch, who testified under oath to the existence of UFO retrieval and reverse engineering activities not subject to congressional oversight. Grusch said the recoveries of incomplete fragments through and up to intact vehicles have been made for decades through the present time by the government, its allies and defense contractors. Follow for more news about Congress conducting hearings about UFOs. Watch this video featuring highlights from a recent congressional hearing on UFOs and alien life. This video is from the Rick Langley channel on

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