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mRNA vaccines are extremely toxic, Moderna scientists now warn
By ethanh // 2024-02-08
New research published in the journal Nature Reviews Drug Discovery reveals that mRNA (modRNA) "vaccines" are anything but safe – and this coming from scientists who work at Moderna, one of the world's leading mRNA injection manufacturers. The modified messenger ribonucleic technology produced by Moderna as well as Pfizer for the companies' respective mRNA injections is delivered into human bodies using relatively new lipid nanoparticle (LNP) technology. LNP technology still has plenty of kinks, to put it lightly, that need to be worked out if its associated vaccine products are to ever be considered even remotely safe. "A major challenge now is how to efficiently de-risk potential toxicities associated with mRNA technology," the scientists wrote, adding that the toxicity risks include "lipid nanoparticle structural components, production methods, route of administration and proteins produced from complexed mRNAs." Authors Eric Jacquinet, Dimitrios Bitounis and Maximillian Rogers all work at Moderna, so they are seeing the toxicity profile of mRNA firsthand. Some of the known side effects of the mRNA jabs that were already unleashed through Operation Warp Speed for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) include severe allergic shock and heart inflammation. Some cases of these injuries may involve hypersensitivity, but the reality is that most of them stem from the inherent toxicity of mRNA and LNP technology. The study explains that "any LNP-mRNA component" could be responsible for associated injuries, but that most injury cases, in the authors' opinions, are probably triggered by PEGylated lipid nanoparticles, which they describe as "the most potentially reactogenic component" of mRNA shots. As we reported back in 2021, PEG, also known as polyethylene glycol, is highly allergenic. Early on in the "pandemic," COVID shot reactions were being blamed on PEG, just as they are to a large degree in this new study, though we also shared evidence suggesting that mRNA technology may be capable of genetically reprogramming the human body, potentially turning it trans-human. Whatever the case may be, mRNA is toxic, and so is its PEG component. Even so, the scientific community remains divided about the true causes of mRNA toxicity, likely because the technology is still so new that few have studied it in-depth enough to come up with solidly definitive conclusions. The Moderna researchers who compiled the new study drew their own conclusions from the consortium of previously published data on the subject, as well as from their own firsthand experience working at an mRNA manufacturer. To be clear, the scientists did not conduct any of their own new experiments in compiling their study. (Related: Did you catch the secret Pfizer report showing that the mRNA manufacturer knew since at least February 2021 that its COVID jabs were killing people, but continued to sell and distribute them anyway?)

Moderna's mRNA safety smokescreen

One thing the new study points out that we also reported on is the fact that spike proteins and other mRNA components persist in human tissue and organs for months, if not longer, despite manufacturer claims that the injection contents exit the body within days following injection. Could it be that this lengthy persistence is another factor in mRNA's extreme toxicity? Amazingly, the Moderna scientists behind the new paper still say that their company's mRNA shot is "safe and effective" – because they would probably get fired for telling the truth. This is in spite of the fact that their entire paper blows the lid on the extreme toxicity of mRNA, which they describe as "complicated." To make mRNA safer, the scientists call for a multi-pronged approach that includes conducting more advanced laboratory testing, making certain preclinical trial adjustments, and undergoing more animal trials that better account for "differences in human and animal physiology." Dr. Robert Malone, one of the inventors behind mRNA, criticized the new study for downplaying the risks of the technology. He is also skeptical about the true intent behind the study, suggesting that it could be part of what is known as a limited hangout, which is a propaganda technique that tells some truth while shrouding it in misinformation designed to prevent the discovery of other more important information. "My most generous interpretation of the overall intent of the article is that this article summarizes and represents information concerning risks and toxicities of this platform technology which Moderna wishes to have disclosed in a manner which puts the firm, its activities and the underlying platform technology in the best possible light," Dr. Malone said. "A less generous interpretation of intent is that this article represents a subtle form of propaganda strategy commonly referred to as a limited hangout." Despite the limited hangout possibility, the new study still says a lot about the dangers and ineffectiveness of mRNA injections, even if its authors tried to downplay it by still claiming they are "safe and effective." "Just say no to all 'vaccines,'" wrote a commenter about the matter. "Better to lose your job than your life." "I wonder how many of the scientists and the CEOs that developed these dangerous vaccines took it themselves," said another, skeptical about Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel's full-fledged support for his company's mRNA shots. "SADS, myocarditis, A fib, autonomic diseases, prion diseases, strokes, heart attacks, Bell's palsy – wow," said someone else about the many other known adverse effects of mRNA injections. "If I had been vaccinated, I would be clawing my skin off right now trying to get it out!" It is never a good idea to inject yourself with deadly vaccine chemicals, especially of the mRNA variety. Learn more at Sources for this article include: