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After arming Ukraine, the U.K. has "nothing" left in its military stockpiles
By ethanh // 2024-01-08
Now that the dust is finally settling, Western governments are coming to the stark realization that their unquestioning support for Ukraine in its conflict with Russia was not such a good idea. The Times of London reported this week that, thanks to its constant sending of weapons and money to the Kyiv regime, the United Kingdom has "nothing" left in its own military stockpiles. For the past several years, the U.K. has been one of Ukraine's biggest weapons suppliers – that is until the weapons supply ran dry. Now, British defense officials in cooperation with other European leaders are "cranking through the gears" to immediately ramp up weapons production. An unnamed Ukrainian source linked to British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's office confirmed the uptick in weapons production at the same time that British military intelligence chiefs are saying that they do not believe Ukraine can win the war against Russia in 2024 "because it does not have the manpower or the weapons for a big battlefield breakthrough," to quote The Times. (Related: Even though the prominent mainstream media outlet has largely been on Ukraine's side since the start of the Russian conflict, the regime of Volodymyr Zelensky has accused the New York Times of "working for the Kremlin.")

Western "war fatigue" spells Ukrainian loss against Russia

How London plans to proceed is still somewhat unknown as internal debates rage within the U.K. government about what it should do concerning its weapons support system for Ukraine. Some government officials argue that the West simply needs more "time" to ramp up weapons production while others insist the war has already been lost to Russia and that it is time to give up the fight. As a whole, the West is suffering from a general feeling of "war fatigue," especially now that another battle rages on in the Middle East between Israel and the Palestinians who live in Gaza and are ruled by Hamas. The biggest question on everyone's mind, both in the U.S. and abroad, is who will occupy the White House in 2025. Will Joe Biden "win" another term, or will Donald Trump swoop in for an upset? Stay tuned. In Europe, government officials worry that a Trump victory would spell an immediate end to the West's ongoing efforts to fuel Ukraine's proxy war against Russian President Vladimir Putin. Meanwhile, Zelensky's popularity continues to dwindle all throughout the West. A former Ukrainian official told The Times that Zelensky is losing support because of the huge death toll among Ukrainian soldiers, not to mention the fact that Ukraine has no endgame or even plans for negotiation on the docket. There is reportedly growing anger and pushback at the spectacle of men and women being "sent to the front line to die" in Ukraine. Because Republicans in the U.S. Congress are holding up President Biden's proposed billions in additional defense aid for Kyiv, European leaders are coming to the realization that it will be up to them to keep the aid flowing to Ukraine – or not, if that is what ends up being decided. "Can continental Europe afford to fold just because Trump says no more U.S. dollars?" an unnamed British source who spoke to The Times is quoted as saying about America taking a backseat in the Ukraine war due to its domestic political situation. "I think most realize that Putin can't be allowed to win as consequences for European security are grave." Many feel as though Europe is engaging in wishful thinking concerning its self-perceived ability to support Ukraine all the way until the end. Seeing as how Washington's contributions to the war far outweigh Europe's contributions, it would appear as though the war in Ukraine is soon coming to an end – and it appears as though Russia has already pretty much won. The latest news about the collapsing West can be found at Sources for this article include: