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Report: 76 Christian universities promoting ABORTION and Planned Parenthood
By ramontomeydw // 2023-12-29
Seventy-six Christian universities were found to be supporting abortion and entities promoting it, Planned Parenthood (PP) foremost among them. The Mary Demetree Institute for Pro-Life Advancement (IPLA), under the Virginia-based Students for Life of America (SFLA), disclosed this finding in a December 2023 report. It scrutinized 767 colleges and universities affiliated with Christian churches in the U.S. in 2023 and found that 696 institutions stood by their pro-life stance espoused by Christianity. The 76 institutions, however, were included in the IPLA's "Naughty List." According to the IPLA, these universities displayed "varying degrees of support for abortion or abortion vendors like Planned Parenthood, [which can be] easily found on their websites." This amounted to one in 10 Christian schools having links with PP and the abortion industry. "PP remains the nation's largest abortion vendor. According to the organization's own 2022 annual report, [it] ended the lives of 374,155 pre-born children through abortion violence last year," the IPLA said in a statement. "Considering location data proving PP targets college students with 87 percent of its locations within five miles or less of a college campus, it is no surprise that PP has also crept its way into faith-based schools." The report also pointed out the "growing number" of Christian school administrations, health centers and university professors "willing to compromise biblical values" through their promotion of PP and other "known abortion vendors" and statements in support of infanticide in the wake of the June 2022 overturn of the Roe v. Wade ruling.

Christian schools have increased support to abortion industry by 10 percent since 2021

According to IPLA, Christian schools have increased their support of PP and the abortion industry by 10 percent since 2021. This led the institute to lament: "With Christian administrators losing sight of the biblical principles that formed the institutions they were hired to safeguard, schools across the nation have misled students, families and donors." "With the historical reversal of Roe [v. Wade], the subject of abortion was launched into America's public dialogue at levels likely not seen since 1973. Those 'in the middle' were pulled out of their silence, and many forfeited unquestioned abortion support amid hostile environments. Thus, 2022 also became a decision year for Christian schools: To apply or not to apply God's truth on the value of life." The IPLA shared one example of a school that saw its ranking slide after expressing support for infanticide. The Jesuit-run College of the Holy Cross (CHC) in Massachusetts initially received an A+ grade in 2021 but got a lower B grade two years later. Following the June 2022 reversal of the Roe v. Wade ruling, the CHC's Women and Gender Studies Department urged people to "condemn" the overturn. This move, according to IPLA, demonstrates the CHC's "commitment to abortion over biblical values." (Related: Pro-abortion activists, college students increasingly accept 'post-birth abortions' of children up to 5 years old.) "Some schools also reacted to the … decision by hosting events discussing the 'state of reproductive rights' with pro-abortion speakers like PP," the institute added. It cited the West Virginia-based Bethany College (BC), which received an A grade in 2021, as an example. BC's decision to host one such event decreased its score. However, the SFLA reached out to the institution and recommended that the event be struck off the record so that PP wouldn't be considered a reputable organization. BC complied with the recommendation, with IPLA researchers confirming that the link to the past event is no longer accessible. This propelled the West Virginia-based college back to the list of institutions with an A grade. The IPLA's report, part of its parent SFLA's Christian Schools Project, seeks to "raise public awareness of Christian schools maintaining relationships with PP or support for abortion – so that these schools can be inspired to realign with their Christian beliefs." Head over to for similar stories. Watch Planned Parenthood insiders exposing the organization's twisted infanticide practices in the clip below. This video is from the RED PILLED channel on

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