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French farmers dump manure on government buildings to protest climate hysteria
By newseditors // 2023-12-13
French farmers are dumping vast quantities of manure on government buildings to protest against excessive environmental regulations that threaten their way of life. (Article by Paul Joseph Watson republished from The farmers are protesting against excessive regulations and climate hysteria technocracy that threatens to ruin their livelihoods, as well as an EU ban on glyphosate. Roads were also blockaded and vehicles set ablaze. Hundreds of farmers also blocked roads near council buildings around Saint-Brieuc. Farmers carrying signs that said “France, do you still want your farmers?” and “Without support, France is starving” sprayed manure on the offices of Brittany Regional Council in Rennes. There have also been clashes with police. One organization leading the protests said the demonstrations will “remain complete as long as the government does not provide French agriculture with all the means allowing it to be fully involved in the food, energy and environmental issues of the future.” The Netherlands has been rocked by similar protests in recent years against limits on nitrogen emissions that would have led to the shut down of thousands of farms. That played a huge role in populist Geert Wilders soaring to victory in last month’s election. Read more at: