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Most of Israel's October 7 claims about Hamas brutalism are fabrications, evidence shows
By ethanh // 2023-12-15
The Israeli media outlet Haaretz published an exposé recently that highlights the many lies of Israel concerning the nature of the October 7 Hamas false flag attack. Early on, Israel was spreading myths about "40 beheaded babies" and "babies burned in ovens," hearkening back to World War II propaganda in an attempt to make it seem like another Holocaust had taken place. It turns out that most of these extremely gruesome tales are just that: tales. Take, for instance, a story that circulated claiming that a young Israeli woman who was pregnant had her stomach cut open and her babies removed by Hamas militants. That story was completely fake. Another piece of fake news out of Israel following the attack claimed that Hamas bound children together and burned them alive, as well as forced a pregnant hostage to give birth. Both of those gruesome claims were also false. As far as Haaretz was able to determine, there was only one baby in Israel that died on October 7. Compare that to the 6,000-plus babies that Israel has murdered in its retaliation operation in Gaza. (Related: It sure appears like Israel and Hamas are controlled by the same people, seeing as how Hamas was created by Israel in the 1970s to destabilize the government of Yasser Arafat.)

Israel is lying

While Haaretz made it clear that, yes, there were atrocities that occurred in Israel on October 7, much of the more shocking news that circulated in the immediate aftermath was fake. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was one of the prominent fake news spreaders, telling the lie that "they (Hamas) took dozens of children, tied them up, burned them and executed them." Joe Biden instantly fell for this tale and started spreading it himself. Then there was ZAKA commander Yossi Landau who initially claimed he saw 20 mutilated, executed and burned bodies of children piled up on top of each other in Kibbutz Be'eri. Landau later changed his story to Kibbutz Kfar Aza. Altogether, only three children were killed in all of Kfar Aza and nine children in Be'eri. And believe it or not, it was Israel Defense Forces (IDF) that did most of the killing as they indiscriminately bombed and shelled these two kibbutz locations only to later blame the collateral damage on Hamas. Another lie Landau reportedly told involved the pregnant women in House 426 in Be'eri whom he claimed had her stomach cut open the baby removed. It turns out that the entire neighborhood where that house exists is inhabited by pensioners who do not recall any pregnant women living there. Then there was all that fake footage produced by Israel that supposedly proved a pregnant woman was disemboweled and her baby murdered by Hamas. FakeReporter concluded, upon analysis, that the video circulated was captured in another country outside of Israel in an unrelated incident. Ihud Hatzalah, head Eli Beer, is one of the Israeli propagandists who continued to repeat the "pregnant woman" tale, as well as the tale about Hamas "putting a baby in an oven and turning on the oven." This, too, never happened. "The police have no evidence of a body that answers these signs," Haaretz reported about these Israeli lies. Sara Netanyahu, Benjamin's wife, actually wrote a letter to Jill Biden about a pregnant woman hostage that allegedly gave birth in Gaza. It turns out there was no such pregnant woman: the hostage's name is Natwari Mulkan and she is definitely not pregnant, according to reports. More of the latest news about Israel's actions in the Middle East can be found at Sources for this article include: