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Biden performing POORLY in multiple opinion polls
By ramontomeydw // 2023-12-01
Incumbent President Joe Biden is performing poorly in various opinion polls – trailing his predecessor, former President Donald Trump. POLITICO's Steven Shepard expounded on the incumbent chief executive's predicament in a Nov. 25 piece. He noted that when November began, a poll by the New York Times and Siena College found that Trump was dominant in four of six swing states. "The president's standing in head-to-head matchups with Trump is failing," Shepard continued. "Among the latest surveys this month from 13 separate pollsters, Biden's position is worse than their previous polls in all but two of them." He cited several polls to back this up:
  • Fox News: From 49 percent on Oct. 9, Biden dropped by three points to 46 percent on Nov. 13
  • NBC News: From 46 percent on Sept. 19, Biden dropped by two points to 44 percent on Nov. 14
  • Emerson College: From 45 percent on Oct. 17, Biden dropped by two points to 43 percent on Nov. 20
  • Quinnipiac University: From 47 percent on Oct. 30, Biden dropped by one point to 46 percent on Nov. 13
"Biden's recent slide – and his political predicament some 11 months before Election Day – represent a confluence of slippage with reliable Democratic constituencies like young voters, the outbreak of war in the Middle East and the rise of independent and third-party candidates who could siphon votes from both Biden and Trump," Shepard noted. Aside from these polls, a survey by NBC News found that Trump was ahead of Biden among voters younger than 35 – the former president's 46 percent compared to the incumbent's 42 percent. "Only a few polls show Biden with a lead among young voters that approaches his 2020 margins, but they are the exception, not the rule," said Shepard. However, Biden's poor performance in opinion polls isn't the only problem. Shepard noted that the incumbent's popularity has been dwindling for months now, as evidenced by other surveys. (Related: Joe Biden's favorability rating the lowest of any U.S. president in 70 years.)

Even some Democrats don't like Biden's chances of winning

Even some of Biden's fellow Democrats don't like his chances of winning. Former White House Chief Strategist David Axelrod has doubts that Biden will win against Trump in the November 2024 presidential election. The erstwhile advisor to former President Barack Obama said the incumbent only has a 50 percent chance or less of winning. "I think he has a 50-50 shot here, but no better than that; maybe a little worse," Axelrod told Maureen Dowd of the New York Times. "He thinks he can cheat nature here, and it's really risky." He also warned that Biden shouldn't count on Trump's running to help him win. According to the former Obama administration official, failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton mistakenly thought Trump securing the GOP nomination would hand her the election. Given this, Axelrod stressed that Biden should not make the same mistake. Moreover, he acknowledged that Biden's advanced age – coupled with his physical stumbles and verbal gaffes – could be hindrances in convincing the American electorate to vote for him once more. "I think that there is one issue that is hanging over him," the political consultant said. "I think with Trump on the other end, he could still win this election. But the age issue is difficult." Later, Minnesota Rep. Dean Phillips described the idea of Biden beating Trump in November 2024 as "delusional." Ironically, the congressman had backed the incumbent before deciding to run against him. "As a member of the House Democratic leadership, I supported and promoted the Biden agenda. I campaigned for him, voted for him and respect him," he wrote on X. "But how can anyone read this and conclude he's positioned to defeat Trump? It's delusional." Visit for more stories about the incumbent president. Watch this Fox News report about Biden's dismal poll numbers, something NBC News has warned of. This video is from the NewsClips channel on

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