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Ukrainian military rapidly losing manpower as Zelensky regime refuses to negotiate ceasefire with Russia
By ethanh // 2023-12-06
Ukraine now has so few willing soldiers left who want to sacrifice their lives for the deep state in fighting Russia that the Volodymyr Zelensky regime is setting up checkpoints all throughout the country to try to track down potential draft evaders. After running out of younger men who are willing to fight Zelensky's war, Ukraine started allowing older men to volunteer on the front lines. Now that this has become inadequate, Ukraine is attempting to expand the scope of draft-able Ukrainians to include younger men who were previously exempted from fighting based on medical waivers. "To help fill the ranks, Ukrainian officials have set up roadside checkpoints to seek men evading the draft," one media outlet reported about the matter. "If they are deemed fit, they are whisked off to draft offices. Online videos of recruitment officers picking men off the streets and forcing them into minivans have gone viral." (Related: Zelensky's closet advisers say that the Ukrainian president "deludes" himself into believing that Ukraine can win the war against Russia.)

Ukrainian military administering "medical exams" to young men in the streets

Another disturbing indicator as to the sizeable loss of men Ukraine has suffered ever since the start of the war is the presence of the Ukrainian military in the streets conducting random "medical exams" on young men they see. These so-called medical exams have very low criteria, allowing men with brain damage and metal parts in their body to be drafted against their will. One man, a 42-year-old sales manager with no military experience, says he does not want to fight but sees no way out based on Ukraine's new drafting criteria. "I'm not going to hide, but I honestly don't know what I can contribute," the man is quoted as saying. Back when Russia first invaded Ukraine, thousands of Ukrainian men voluntarily lined up at recruitment centers throughout the country. Now that most of those men are dead, Ukraine is scraping the bottom of the barrel in search of more bodies to funnel into the war incinerator – and for what, to protect treasonous U.S. politicians like Joe Biden and his son Hunter, as well as the Pentagon, from being implicated in corrupt and illegal deep state activities in Ukraine? "Our capacity to train reserves on our own territory is also limited," commented Gen. Valeriy Zaluzhnyi, a commander of the Ukrainian armed forces, about Ukraine's ongoing struggles to establish and train a proper reserve force. "We cannot easily spare soldiers who are deployed to the front, [and] Russia can strike training centers. And there are gaps in our legislation that allow citizens to evade their responsibilities." Instead of the usual 18 to mid-20s range of age in its armed forces, Ukraine's military currently averages soldier ages in the 30-40 range, which is much older. Ukraine is also still offering high pay for anyone willing to join – but either nobody wants to, still, or nobody of a qualifying age is still alive. "Soldiers who spend a full month on the front lines are being paid more than $3,000 a month – a high salary in Ukraine, where average pay is less than $500 a month, and much more than the $650 paid for troops in support roles in the rear," reported Financial Times (FT). More news coverage about Ukraine's failing counter-offensive against Russia can be found at Sources for this article include: