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Ethnic cleansing of Gaza is harming Israel’s reputation and leading to more bloodshed, says author Steven Ben-Nun
By kevinhughes // 2023-11-22
The ethnic cleansing of Gaza is harming Israel's reputation and leading to more bloodshed. according to author Steven Ben-Nun. "Is this going to harm Israel's reputation? Well, in a way, yes, it does harm Israel's reputation. But if you can take and just keep going. And when you see that there's this relentless attack…  This is not the Israeli people, whoever is in power, whoever is pulling the strings, and behind the scenes, they want the bloodshed to be so great," Ben-Nun said in an interview with host Mike Adams during the November 16 "Health Ranger Report" podcast. The former intelligence agent warned that the Arabic people displaced several years ago by ISIS would then start taking out their anger, vengeance and frustrations on other Jewish communities, pro-Zionist Christians and pro-Israel supporters. He added this will not only lead to escalation, but it will also cause martial law on a global scale. Ben-Nun talked about the book called "Holocaust Victims Accuse," written by Rabbi Moshe Schonfeld. The book denounced the Jewish organizations in Switzerland and the United States. In the book, Schonfeld stated that one of those complicit in war crimes is the Jewish Congress of Switzerland, which negotiated the release of 850,000 Jews to be able to go to Palestine. The Jewish Congress refused to pay for the $15 per head and instead negotiated a deal with the Germans to release 1,500 Jews. When a Jewish Congress leader was asked why they did it, he said Jewish blood was needed to justify the State of Israel and the partitioning of the Middle East for the Jews to get a state. Adams commented that the ethnic cleansing targeting the Palestinians today is partially the result of a series of events that began with European guilt against the Jews because "people in power" allowed Jewish citizens to be slaughtered to create the blood, guilt and justification for the Nakba. The Nakba, which means "catastrophe" in Arabic, refers to the mass displacement and dispossession of Palestinians during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.

Israelis taking out Palestinians to force Arab nations to come against them

According to Ben-Nun, the Israelis want to take out as many Palestinians as they can to force the Arab nations to come against them. (Related: Syria now firing missiles on Golan Heights as U.S. provides “surging” support for Israeli operation in "cleansing" Gaza of all Palestinians.) The biblical and Hebraic scholar pointed out that the Israelis don't believe that Jesus is the Messiah, and they are trying to bring about a "messiah" of their own through certain events. "And so, they have to have a Gog and Magog war. They got to have all these Arabic nations coming against them. And if they are not doing it, then we got to create a way for them to do it. Secondly, if it took the Jewish blood of 850,000 Hungarian Jews for them to get a Jewish state, then they want more Jewish blood out there in order to be able to be the head of a New World Order," Ben-Nun explained. Ben-Nun said the Chabad organization is behind this, and it wants the world to turn against Israel and come against the Jewish people to achieve something. He added that everybody is supposed to come against the Israelis and then people are going to forget the fact that they just killed thousands of children, men and women in Gaza. When all the "displaced" Arab Muslims start killing Jews and Zionist Christians, the world's sympathy is going to turn from Gaza to the Jewish people around the world. This strategy, Ben-Nun said, traces its roots to the Sabbatai Zevi doctrine. This doctrine believes that the more sinful things are done, the sooner the Messiah will come. Adams stated the sacrifice of all kinds of human blood or the genocide of people to get a Messiah to show up sounds like a human sacrifice ritual. Ben-Nun agreed, noting that Israel sacrificed its children to Moloch before. Follow for more news about Israel's ongoing siege of Gaza. Watch the video below about Steven Ben-Nun's interview with Mike Adams. This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on

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