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RFK Jr. abandons free speech principles, calls on college campuses to impose "zero-tolerance policies" on antisemitism
By ethanh // 2023-11-12
Early on, he seemed like a promising "dissident" candidate who might actually follow through with shaking up the establishment if elected president in 2024. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s positions on free speech seem to have changed, though, ever since the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel. Now, RFK Jr. is in agreement with billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman, who recently wrote a letter to the president of Harvard University calling on the school's administration to crack down on campus speech that defies Israel's war on Gaza because some people consider it to be "antisemitic." "It's time to hold college administrations responsible for the epidemic of campus antisemitism by insisting on zero-tolerance policies," RFK Jr. wrote in response to Ackman's letter, which nitpicks even on-campus message board speech for allegedly containing "antisemitic statements, memes, and images." "Four weeks after the barbaric terrorist acts of October 7th, I have lost confidence that you and the University will do what is required," Ackman, a Harvard alumnus, wrote in his screed. Keep in mind that there have not been any physical assaults or even threats of actual violence against Jewish people at Harvard that warrant the free speech crackdown that both Ackman and RFK Jr. are calling for – it is mere free speech they have a problem with. "In a painful internal about-face as I grapple with human cognitive dissonance, I am forced to concede that the criticism of RFK Jr. as a trojan horse appears to have been right all along," writes Ben Bartee on his Armageddon Prose Substack blog. "He has outed himself as nothing less than a total enemy of the sacred right to free expression and, as a result, my political enemy." (Related: Israel's civilian targets in Gaza include hospitals, refugee camps, and schools.)

Questions raised about RFK, Jr's loyalties

To make matters even worse, it was also reported that RFK Jr. was a passenger on Jeffrey Epstein's private "Lolita Express" airplane, which we know was routinely used to transport guests to the financier's private Caribbean island, known as Little Saint James. "Given that Jeffrey Epstein is credibly suspected of having been a CIA and / or Mossad agent running an industrial-level blackmail operation, the question has to be asked: what do they have on RFK Jr.?" Bartee wants to know. It really is too bad that RFK Jr. has taken this new anti-free speech position – or rather that the truth about what he really thinks concerning the First Amendment has finally been made known. "I gave up on RFK Jr. when he refused to meet with our Moms for Liberty group in Florida after the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) labeled us a hate group," wrote one of Bartee's followers, a woman named Julie Spatzier. "We just want porno out of our kids' schools." "It seems that the political reality in the U.S. (and UK, mostly France too ... other G7 nations?) is that the Zionist money (kompromat too perhaps a la Epstein) is irresistible on the question of [Zionists screwing] up the Middle East and military with taxpayer support." On the flip side, one commenter defended RFK Jr., stating that it is not so much censorship he is calling for on college campuses but rather "civility, which is in short supply at campuses." "It's mostly about civility, not censorship," this person further suggested. "As I recall, RFK was on that plane (like scores of other people and dignitaries) with his wife to attend some function, and was not part of the intelligence 'honeytrap' by Epstein." The latest news about the establishment's assault on free speech in the name of fighting "antisemitism" can be found at Sources for this article include: