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Expert analysis: U.S., NATO and Israel behind bombing of Al Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza
By ethanh // 2023-10-25
An expert analysis from a Marine Corps veteran who looked at the footage, media claims and other evidence surrounding the recent bombing of the Al Ahli Baptist Hospital (also referred to as the al-Ahli Arab Hospital in some media reports), concluded that there is no way Gazan "terrorists" did the deed as Israel and the Western media are now claiming. Firstly, the explosion lasted between 0.5 and 0.75 seconds, emitting a brief burst of light that suggests the bomb used was not an incendiary device. Secondly, the fact that the parking lot was also damaged, though with minimal debris near all the parked cars, suggests either overpressure or some kind of fuel explosion. One side of the hospital's parking lot was shielded by a nearby building, which prevented diesel or gas from reaching the vehicles, though all of the windows in nearby buildings shattered. In the following video, you will also see that there was a smaller fuel explosion, though the submunition release from the blast is less noticeable. "The explosive device likely ranged from 300-600 lbs.," reads the final conclusion of the Marine Corps veteran's assessment. "Larger bombs would've scattered more debris in the parking lot than on buildings." "A 700lb.+ bomb would've caused more damage to building tops due to shockwaves ... Most visible damage is attributed to the fuel explosion; the primary explosion likely caused structural damage." (Related: Globalist Henry Kissinger is expressing regret about all the migrant refugees that he and his cabal imported into Europe because most, if not all, of them support war-torn Gaza rather than Israel.)

All evidence points to USA, NATO and Israel as source of whatever bombs were used to bomb Al Ahli Baptist Hospital

Based on the video's audio, the Marine Corps veteran says there is a sound of Hamas missiles followed by what sounds like a JDAM missile, which Gaza does not have the ability to fire. "Hamas does not have the infrastructure and capabilities to fire a JDAM," the expert says. The four most probable munitions and their possessors include:
  • Mk-82/Mk-83 General Purpose Bombs, which are possessed by multiple countries including the U.S. and NATO members – these are highly versatile, unguided bombs
  • GBU-39 Small Diameter Bombs (SDB), which are possessed by the U.S. and known allies like Israel – these are known for precision strikes
  • GBU-12 Paveway II Laser-Guided Bombs, which are possessed by the U.S. and known allies like Israel – these convert unguided bombs into precise munitions
  • AGM-65 Maverick Missiles, which are possessed by the U.S. and known allies like Israel – these are air-to-surface missiles used for precision strikes
"Based on the evidence, this could not have been the Islamic Jihad, as claimed by the Israeli Defense Force, based on our analysis of the information we have so far," reads the conclusion of the expert analysis. "They do not possess the capabilities for such advanced weaponry." By the way, check out the "Samson Option" that Israel is now threatening to use if the U.S. and other Western powers refuse to give Israel whatever money and weaponry it demands in order to extinguish the Palestinians in Gaza: The latest news about the prophetic implications of all this war going on in the Middle East can be found at Sources for this article include: