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MEDICAL MALPRACTICE: Dr. Anthony Hao Dinh of Newport Coast, California is one of many who took advantage of the Biden federal handout frenzy
By sdwells // 2023-10-22
During everyone’s favorite “pandemic,” the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services thought it would be a good idea to channel their inner Oprah and distribute claim reimbursements to clinics and doctors who treated individuals for COVID-19 that did not have insurance. Yes, that includes both administering vaccines and giving ‘treatment’ to your local homeless man who ‘tested positive.’ You get a handout… and you get a handout… and everybody gets a handout! Like many other federal departments who handed out free American taxpayer dollars under the feeble Biden regime, they got scammed. Only this time the American people got lucky and there may be some consequences. Dr. Anthony Hao Dinh of Newport Coast, California allegedly stole $150 million from the Health Resources and Services Administration’s COVID-19 Uninsured Program between July 2020 and March 2021. How that much money was stolen without anyone noticing at the time is certainly perplexing. But now if Dinh is convicted of all charges, he could receive up to 50 years in prison. According to federal officials, Dinh is responsible for “largest fraud scheme in the nation targeting the HRSA COVID-19 Uninsured Program uncovered at this time.” Dinh, who operates out of clinics in Westminster and Garden Grove, is a licensed doctor of osteopathy and was an ear, nose, and throat specialist, as well as a facial plastic surgeon. Soon he may be adding convicted felon of wire fraud, money laundering, and obstruction of justice to his resume. Federal officials say Dinh submitted false claims for treating patients who were already insured, services not actually rendered, and services that were not medically necessary. Dinh also is accused of submitting $8 million in other fraudulent loan applications, of which he was reportedly given $2.8 million. It's the 'Dinh of Thieves.'

Biden federal handout frenzy got used and abused for several months during the plandemic

Dinh is just one of many who took advantage of the Biden federal handout frenzy that went on for several months during the COVID-19 “pandemic.” Last year, the Department of Justice charged five IRS employees with stealing Covid relief funds to finance extravagant lifestyles. The subjects allegedly submitted fraudulent loan applications to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Programs, acquired over $1 million in American taxpayer money, and spent it on new cars, luxury goods, and lavish trips to Las Vegas. As the DOJ continues to crack down on individuals who abused the trust placed in them by the American public, we must wonder whether they would have acted this way if there was stronger leadership during the “pandemic.” With likely many more public officials taking advantage of these opportunities, who really can be trusted? The wheels of justice also turn slowly, and sometimes don’t turn at all. For now, Dinh is out on a $7 million bond and has an arraignment hearing at the end of October in the Santa Ana US District Court. We shall wait and see if Dinh and other COVID-19 relief abusers actually receive the convictions they deserve. Tune your internet dial to for more tips on how to use natural remedies for preventative medicine and for healing, instead of succumbing to the Biden Regime and Big Pharma's serial killing mRNA "vaccinations." Sources for this article include:  