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Most new electric vehicle (EV) sales occurring in the nation's bluest states, with California topping the list
By ethanh // 2023-10-06
The newest data is out showing which states are purchasing the most electric vehicles (EV). As you might expect, the top 10 are all "blue" states, politically speaking. California tops the list at number one, with a whopping 25 percent of all new cars sold in the state now being EVs. Next in line are Washington and Oregon, both of which are seeing about one EV sell for every 10 new cars sold. Hawaii is fourth on the list, followed by Nevada, Colorado, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maryland, and Virginia, all of which are seeing about 10 percent of new car sales go in the EV category. The only "red" states further down on the list of the top 19 EV-selling states are Georgia, which is becoming more "purple," Florida, North Carolina, Texas, and Ohio. The reason why there are only 19 states instead of, say, 20 is that BloombergNEF, which compiled the report, only include states where at least 10 percent of all new passenger car sales in the first half of 2023 were EVs. (Related: Did you know that during peak usage hours, EV companies like Tesla can remotely disengage charging stations, leaving drivers stranded on the road with a dead battery?)

EV drivers in cold states are about to learn what happens to lithium batteries in frigid winter temperatures

With that said, most of the nation's "red" states seem to want nothing to do with EVs, while the remaining blue states seem to be avoiding them because they are in the north where snowy weather happens in the winter. Anyone who knows anything about lithium-ion batteries knows that cold weather causes them to drain power much faster than normal. A good comparison is smartphones, which also run on lithium-ion – in colder states during the winter, smartphones tend to die much more quickly than you might expect. The top-selling EV brand is none other than Elon Musk's Tesla, which would not even exist were it not for the billions of dollars in subsidies the company received from the government, also known as taxpayers. In fact, the entire "green" industry would largely not exist were it not for heavy government subsidies that aim to rid the nation of so-called "fossil" fuels in favor of unreliable wind, solar, and wishful thinking. "Tesla's Model Y recently became the bestselling passenger vehicle in California, according to the California New Car Dealers Association. Competitors like General Motors, Ford, Rivian, or Hyundai must still scale up to take full advantage of these growing state markets," BloombergNEF wrote in its report. By the year 2030, it is expected that more than half of all new cars sold will be EVs. This will create enormous strain on the nation's power grid, which has barely been updated since its origination. Still, EVs are flying off the shelves compared to traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) cars, especially as the economy falters and consumers are less able to buy expensive items like cars. "By 2030, it will be over," one commenter said about what the nation can really expect in seven years. "Owners of EVs will realize they have a worthless used car after paying for a new battery and back to ICE they will go." "All I know is that when I see an EV I assume: 1. The driver watches MSM. 2. The driver is jabbed. 3. The driver trusts 'the science'. 4. The driver is my enemy," joked another. "Why do you think Biden was out encouraging the UAW to strike?" wrote someone else. "They want to cripple the industry and end your access to new ICE one way or the other." EVs are about as impractical as it gets in an on-demand economy. Learn more at Sources for this article include: