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Poll: RFK Jr. running as independent would help Trump, hurt Biden
By ramontomeydw // 2023-10-05
Children's Health Defense founder Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) running as an independent would help former President Donald Trump and hurt the chances of incumbent President Joe Biden in the 2024 elections, according to a new poll. The Alexandria, Virginia-based Echelon Insights conducted the poll and released teasers of the results to the company's account on X. One preview showed Trump has 46 percent against Biden's 43 percent, with the former president leading by three points. In that scenario, 11 percent remain unsure of who to vote for. But with RFK Jr. running as an independent, Trump's lead over Biden expands by one point – 40 percent to the incumbent's 36 percent. RFK Jr. gets 14 percent support, while 10 percent remain unsure. Another look at the survey's cross tabs showed RFK Jr. ultimately taking 17 percent of Democratic votes while taking 11 percent among Republican votes. "In other words, Democrats are more negatively affected by a Kennedy independent run than Republicans are," Breitbart noted. "The survey comes as [RFK Jr.] plans to exit the Democratic primary race and run for president as an independent. He is rumored to make it official in an Oct. 9 announcement in Pennsylvania." A report by Mediaite also attested to the move, citing an insider from RFK Jr.'s campaign. The insider said the candidate "feels that the DNC [Democratic National Committee] is changing the rules to exclude his candidacy, so an independent run is the only way to go." (Related: Report: RFK Jr. plans to run as an INDEPENDENT because the Democratic National Committee has rigged the nomination for Biden.) The insider's comment aligns with remarks made by RFK Jr. in September. He said: "The DNC is trying to make sure that I can't participate at all in the political process. I'm going to keep all my options open."

Democrats PANICKING at the idea of other candidates joining the race

The decision by RFK Jr. to run as an independent "will surely stir up further concern for the Democratic Party." The prospect of an additional candidate or more breaks up the all-too-common duopoly, causing Democrats to panic as the voter base primed to reelect Biden would erode. RFK Jr.'s independent run serves as an additional headache to the DNC and its chairman Jaime Harrison. He and other Democratic Party bigwigs have already warned of the negative ramifications that come with a third-party candidate. Harrison's warning came as philosopher and activist Cornel West announced he would throw in his hat in the ring. Initially running under the People's Party, West then joined the Green Party as its nominee. Based on past surveys, West entering the race will hurt Democrats more than Republicans. Biden could see his re-election get compromised with RFK Jr. as an independent and West as the Green Party candidate. "This is not the time in order to experiment. This is not the time to play around on the margins," the DNC chair said over the summer. His warning echoed the sentiments of other Democrats, who claim that West's candidacy could have the same effect Jill Stein had during the 2016 elections. Stein, who ran under the Green Party's banner, took away some of the votes meant for former First Lady Hillary Clinton – giving former President Donald Trump a significant advantage. Political consultant and analyst David Axelrod recounted this instance in a tweet on X (formerly Twitter). "In 2016, the Green Party played an outsized role in tipping the election to Trump," he wrote. "Now, with West as their likely nominee – they could easily do it again." Head over to for more stories about RFK Jr.'s presidential campaign. Watch Sean Parnell discuss in the video below whether RFK Jr's independent run hurts Trump or Biden. This video is from the Red Voice Media channel on

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