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MEMORY HOLED: Leftists in Canada's Parliament want Nazi incident DELETED from the official record
By richardbrown // 2023-09-28
Tyler Durden, writing for, hit the nail right on the head when he referred to George Orwell's dystopian novel, "1894," in discussing the Nazi brouhaha that embarrassed Canada no end. Orwell paints a grim picture of a future dominated by absolute tyranny. This form of authoritarianism goes beyond mere physical control; it delves into the realm of manipulating public perception rather than relying solely on fear. When truth becomes relative and historical records are tampered with, the population loses its moral and rational foundation. The compass of culture is shattered, leaving only the ever-shifting proclamations of the ruling establishment. Orwell's quote from "1984" perfectly encapsulates this concept: "Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right." Canada, like many other nations influenced by the political left and globalist institutions, seems to be heading down a path similar to the one Orwell warned about. The ongoing war in Ukraine is a prominent example of how propaganda and obscured information make it nearly impossible to discern truth from fiction. Specifically, the troubling connections between the Ukrainian government and neo-Nazi organizations within the military have been deliberately sidelined from mainstream discourse. While these connections were criticized by Western media in 2014, they are now conveniently ignored, and anyone pointing them out is labeled a "conspiracy theorist." This suppression of information serves the establishment's agenda of garnering public support for Ukraine, regardless of the circumstances or interests of the Western public. (Related: Western leaders have effectively embraced Ukrainian Nazism.) The irony is palpable. The political left has long used accusations of "fascism" to attack conservatives and anyone opposing their agenda. Yet, for the past year, they have been actively supporting actual neo-Nazis in Ukraine, demanding arms and financial support.

Hunka incident exposes Left's hypocrisy

Leftists have dismissed these groups as insignificant, but the incident involving Yaroslav Hunka exposes their hypocrisy. Hunka, presented as a "war hero" who fought against Soviet invasion, was welcomed with standing ovations in the Canadian House of Commons. However, he was a member of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, a Nazi military unit implicated in crimes against humanity during the Holocaust. How Hunka passed the vetting process and entered the House of Commons remains a mystery. Some suggest it was a result of Canadian government incompetence, while others believe Canadian officials were aware of his background and hoped the public wouldn't find out. This incident highlights the need for transparency when discussing the proxy war in Ukraine. When Justin Trudeau addressed the issue, he called it "deeply embarrassing" but then deflected it by accusing Russia of propaganda and disinformation. This deflective strategy failed to address the underlying problem of Nazi influence in Ukraine. Moreover, leftists within Canada's Parliament attempted to erase all official records of the incident, including video records and the original text of now-resigned former House Speaker Anthony Rota's comments. This Orwellian attempt to "memory-hole" historic information that doesn't align with their narrative reveals their willingness to manipulate history at the governmental level. Hunka was mingling with Canada's leaders just days ago, and they are already trying to erase the incident from public memory. This behavior underscores the danger of historical manipulation by those in power and the need for an open and honest discussion about the complexities of international conflicts. Watch a Canadian lawmaker put Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to task for honoring a Nazi Ukrainian. This video is from Cynthia's Pursuit of Truth on More related stories: RESIGN ALREADY: Trudeau's disapproval rating reaches record high 57% after honoring Waffen SS Nazi in parliament. Ukrainian Nazi "BoneFace" threatens Laura Loomer for outing him as U.S. intel asset on social media. Mainstream media asking Ukrainian soldiers to hide their Nazi patches from reporters. Sources include: