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What are they trying to hide? YouTube CENSORING videos of Ukrainian soldiers embracing NAZISM
By ramontomeydw // 2023-09-15
YouTube is reportedly censoring clips of Ukrainian soldiers embracing Nazism, according to the Gateway Pundit's Larry Johnson. "If you have some genuine information about Nazis in Ukraine, YouTube will prevent you from posting," he wrote. Johnson had made a video compilation of Ukrainian soldiers embracing Nazism through flags, salutes and patches on their uniforms. But because of the video sharing platform's algorithm, he was forced to upload the compilation on Rumble. The video featured Ukrainian soldiers holding Nazi swastika flags and doing the Nazi salute. Symbols associated with Nazism – such as the SS double lightning rune, Totenkopf (death's head) and Wolfsangel (wolf's hook), were also featured in the clip. The latter symbol gained prominence during the Russia-Ukraine war because of its use as the standard of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion. (Related: Leaked docs show FBI funded Ukrainian neo-Nazi "Azov Battalion" that orchestrated Charlottesville chaos to stoke racial division, destabilize West.) More than one minute into the clip, Johnson highlighted a member of the Azov Battalion in uniform. The soldier's picture was juxtaposed alongside a picture of him and his wife at the dinner table. Johnson highlighted the presence of Adolf Hitler's work "Mein Kampf" on the table where the couple sat. He concluded the video with a statement from a Ukrainian military member who claimed: "No, no. Of course, Ukrainians aren't Nazis. We don't have any Nazis or fascism. We're not like that, no way." The camera then shifted to his comrade showing a Nazi swastika tattoo on his lower left abdomen. The first soldier laughed, sang a Nazi anthem and performed the Nazi salute. "I tried repeatedly tonight to upload the … video to YouTube – no deal. The algorithm identified the Nazi content and refused to allow me to upload the video to my YouTube channel. So much for free speech," Johnson commented. "Repeated denials from Ukraine enthusiasts in America and Europe collapse in the face of these videos and images. This is not AI-manufactured content. It is an honest presentation of what some of the units in the Ukrainian army are celebrating and embracing enthusiastically."

Not all Nazis are censored by YouTube

"Lest you think that YouTube rejects all Nazi content, think again," Johnson pointed out. He cited the PBS documentary titled "Documenting Hate: New American Nazis" as an example of Nazi content that does not run afoul of the Alphabet-owned platform's standards. According to the Arlington, Virginia-based public broadcaster, the November 2018 documentary "investigates a violent neo-Nazi group that has actively recruited inside the U.S. military, and examines the group’s terrorist objectives." On the issue of Nazis at home, the Gateway Pundit writer also tackled the case of Kent "Boneface" McLellan. He originally claimed he was a former member of the Azov Battalion who had experience in the frontlines fighting for Kyiv. But according to Johnson, Boneface is actually a fake Nazi and has never been to Ukraine. He zoomed in on a picture that supposedly proves Boneface's presence in the Ukrainian battlefield. Upon closer scrutiny, the said picture was but "a sloppy Photoshop job." Citing information from conservative activist Laura Loomer, Johnson alleged that McLellan is a confidential human informant being run by the Department of Homeland Security. He added that the department is utilizing Boneface to keep tabs on the American Nazi movement, despite his documented criminal past. "Ukraine's cyber warfare unit is not sitting still. They are churning out provably false information to try to discredit anyone who claims that there are active Nazis in Ukraine," concluded Johnson. "Americans need to ask themselves a hard question: Do we really want to continue to spend billions of dollars propping up a regime that is supported by die-hard Nazis?" Visit for more stories about YouTube banning videos about Nazis in Ukraine. Watch this video about the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion being supported by the United States. This video is from the SOS channel on

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