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RFK Jr. gaining on Biden in New Hampshire Democratic presidential primary
By richardbrown // 2023-08-30
Robert Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.) is gaining headway in the New Hampshire Democratic presidential primary despite the negative press and media lies against him. The demotion of Iowa and New Hampshire from their traditional early-voting status, a long-standing tradition in the presidential primary process, did not sit well with some Democrats and boosted RFK Jr.'s chances. Some Democrats believe the new calendar does not reflect the diversity of the nation and the Democratic Party, despite the elevation of South Carolina, Nevada, Georgia and Michigan. The new calendar could create challenges for the party in projecting unity ahead of the 2024 election and could spell trouble for 2028 when it revisits its primary calendar anew. A group of disgruntled Democrats, including former New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch, warned President Joe Biden the new calendar could affect his reelection campaign. Former Democratic New Hampshire Speaker Steve Shurtleff went further by saying he would look for another candidate to support if the state lost its first-place spot. Latest surveys show RFK Jr. is reducing Biden's lead. While the Democratic National Committee (DNC) abandons the state and Biden is nowhere to be found, RFK Jr. has surged to 31 percent of likely primary voters in New Hampshire, according to a poll by John Zogby Strategies. The poll was commissioned by American Values 2024 (AV2024), a SuperPac supporting RFK Jr. "The corrupt DNC has used everything in its toolkit to destroy Kennedy, but the strategy is clearly failing," said Tony Lyons, co-chair of AV2024 and National Coalition Against Censorship board member.

Biden could go down in history as the first incumbent to lose in the primary

In a three-way fight, Biden leads 46 percent to Kennedy's 31 percent, with Marianne Williamson taking seven percent and the rest undecided. The poll then tested two head-to-head matchups between Biden and RFK Jr. In the first, Biden's lead was narrowed to eight percentage points, 49 percent for the incumbent president and 41 percent for the challenger. In the second, after highlighting RFK Jr.'s support for keeping the New Hampshire primary first-in-the-nation among his other challenges to the DNC establishment, the race became too close to call, although Biden's 43 percent is still ahead of RFK Jr.'s 42 percent. This development comes on the heels of a previous Zogby poll, which showed Kennedy gaining rapidly in the Biden campaign's flagship state of South Carolina. In a previous nationwide poll conducted by Harvard University's Center for American Political Studies and Harris Insights and Analytics from July 19 to 20, RFK Jr. bested Biden with a net approval rating of 21 points as opposed to the president's -14 points. Still, Kennedy faces an uphill battle to beat Biden. Since the advent of the modern primary election system in 1972, an incumbent president has never been defeated by a primary challenger. But due to age and poor performance, Biden could go down in history as the first incumbent to lose in the primary. RFK Jr.'s no non-sense attitude is also a breath of fresh air in the toxic political environment. In one of his campaign speeches, RFK Jr. pledged to end foreign wars and bring home the troops, using the resources to revitalize America. (Related: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. angers military-industrial complex with call to ditch 'forever war,' de-escalate with Russia.) He vowed to clean up the government as he criticized the ties between government and corporate power and emphasized the importance of reducing corruption. RFK Jr. also said he is committed to restoring civil liberties and respecting the rights and dignity of all citizens. As healing president, he pledged to focus his campaign on the values Americans hold in common and lead the country toward an ethos of respectful dialog and reconciliation across races, parties and divisions. has more stories about RFK Jr.'s presidential run. Watch this video about Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his mission. This video is from the NewsClips channel on

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