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Maui residents say local police BLOCKADED exit routes, preventing people from escaping raging Lahaina inferno
By ethanh // 2023-08-28
A local resident of Maui who goes by the name of "Fish" has come forward to claim that law enforcement on the island prevented people from fleeing Lahaina as the fires were approaching, ultimately subjecting them to death. Fish went to investigate what was causing a very long line of immobile cars to form as people attempted to evacuate the area. He learned that police officers were intentionally creating a roadblock to stop people from leaving, and that they were "under orders" from someone to do so. "I said, 'I think we should get out of here because the speed of this wind, it could be here in two minutes,'" Fish told the "SaltyGoat" Twitter account about what transpired that fateful day – watch the video below: "So, I went around back to Front Street where all the cars were lined up, but none of them were moving. And I walked all the way from Safeway to the Chart House, and not one car had moved, and I was wondering what was stopping the traffic." Fish would go on to explain that it was a policeman who was blocking cars from leaving, even though there were no obstructions or any reason to keep those cars there. Fish tried to explain to the officer that the fires had already reached Safeway and were on the verge of spreading to Front Street where all the cars were waiting, but the officer refused to let anyone through, stating that he was "under orders" not to. "Then I started walking all the way to the city center and I started hearing all the explosions, and there was no one walking behind me or on bicycles or anything," Fish said. "I had no idea, you know, until the next day when I walked down there what had happened." (Related: Here are nine questions many people are now asking about the highly suspicious nature of the Maui fires.)

Why did the Maui government stop people from fleeing Lahaina before the fires hit?

If true, this is absolutely shocking information that demonstrates the complicity of the state of Hawaii in subjecting the residents and visitors in Lahaina to a gruesome early death. Thankfully for Fish, he lives far enough away from the area where the fires caused the worst damage that he was fine on his own property. But he only learned about the extent of what happened the following day after observing the police blockade, which left him feeling shaken. On social media, a circulating flyer has gone viral further claiming that all fire hydrants in Lahaina were dry and that fire marshals were "out of town" the night of the fire, to which we also ask: why? "The mayor and governor were out of town," the flyer further states. "People who were trying to evacuate were told it was not time to evacuate and to turn around back into the fire." "No cops on bullhorns. No firefighters in the streets. Most robust emergency siren system in the world did not sound. No warnings whatsoever." Meanwhile, Hawaii Gov. Josh Green was seen publicly announcing that he is "already thinking of ways for the state to acquire that land." More related news about the Maui fires can be found at Sources for this article include: