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CLAIM: Charred remains of "entire families" found huddled inside Maui homes as local morgues run out of body bags
By ethanh // 2023-08-28
As fake president Joe Biden continues to say absolutely nothing about the Maui fires, rescue crews are reporting that they are finding the charred remains of "entire families" inside burnt-out homes while local morgues struggle to maintain enough body bags to handle them all. As Biden issued a statement of "no comment" before jaunting from one beach vacation in Delaware to his next vacation in Lake Tahoe, locals in and around Lahaina are saying that the true death toll is much, much higher than Maui authorities are reporting. The actual death toll, according to some locals, is more like 480, with many of the bodies still not recovered or identified. "The figure is quadruple that of the official number of 111 – and some of the relatives of the victims have been left to uncover the remains of their loved ones themselves due to the glacial progress of the search and recovery operation," one report claims. The shocking video footage below shows authorities in Maui loading bodies onto a refrigerated truck as an extension of local morgues which are now said to be too full to hold any more bodies: (Related: Were the Maui fires really natural, or were they an act of climate terrorism by radical leftists pushing a deranged global warming narrative?)

If Maui was called Ukraine, Biden would be sending BILLIONS there for "support"

The fact that Biden, also known as the "big guy" on Hunter's laptop, is saying nothing about Maui and showing no concern at all for the victims there is hardly a surprise, seeing as how his primary focus is on padding the pockets of Volodymyr Zelensky in Ukraine. If Maui were to be renamed "Ukraine," Biden would surely start pumping billions of taxpayer dollars into its coffers without. He does this without end for Zelensky while actual Americans struggle to survive amid skyrocketing inflation and a collapsing economy. "One-hundred percent not enough is being done, so people are doing it themselves," said Maui local Allisen Medina. "The government, relief organizations – they're not doing anything. We have the right to know what's going on. FEMA came here to help with the recovery [process], but we don't see them. The Red Cross arrived four days late and they're not doing anything. They're supposed to help and not just stand around." "We're only 100 miles from Oahu which has several military bases. Why is the response so lacking? Why are they doing so little? Why is nothing else being done?" Medina's claims were corroborated by Southwest Airlines stewardess Sarah Trost, who says she spoke with a morgue worker in the Maui area who confirmed to her that the true death count so far is at least 480 people. Authorities, Trost says, have only searched about 13 percent of the burnt-out area, not 78 percent like they recently falsely claimed. "He found so many children, children and moms holding each other," Trost said in a video she posted to TikTok. "Infants, toddlers, the unimaginable. Husbands and wives, whole entire [families] in a room just huddling together, burning to death." There are also about 1,400 people still missing, whom some believe are dead and gone in the ashes – meaning they are unidentifiable. "It's all bones," Trost said. "So, he's grabbing the bones with the ash shoveling them into body bags. They have no more room on the island in the morgue so they're shipping in containers to hold those body bags." In the comments, someone wrote that he suspects the true number of dead is more like 4,800, seeing as how the population of Lahaina before the fires was around 12,216 (as of 2020). There does not appear to be anything natural about the Maui fires. Learn more at Sources for this article include: