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As millions of American citizens struggle to make ends meet, Biden decides to spend BILLIONS of their tax dollars to house illegal aliens in brand new CITIES built exclusively for "migrants"
By ethanh // 2023-08-17
The American economy is in absolute shambles, especially for working men and women, and the Biden regime's number-one priority is to create new housing and entire cities for illegal migrants to live after they unlawfully cross the southern border. According to reports, fake president Biden is asking Congress to approve a "temporary" new housing program for illegal aliens that will cost American taxpayers around $40 billion in "emergency" funding. Biden apparently does not approve of the current living conditions for migrants who are captured as they attempt to illegally rush through the southern border, so he wants to spend billions of your hard-earned dollars to give them new luxury living accommodations. The $40 billion proposed welfare check includes nearly $2.7 billion for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to create illegal migrant cities that allow illegals to "come and go as they please during the day," the only stipulation being that they must check in and stay the night on campus. "We do not view this as family detention," an official from DHS told the media about Biden's proposed new migrant facilities. (Related: The Biden regime has been planning for this mass invasion for quite some time now, all while ignoring the needs of American citizens.)

Biden cares more about illegals than he cares about you and your family

The Biden regime claims that these new facilities will allow the government to more easily keep track of migrants as they bore through the asylum process. They will also ease the burden on local homeless and other types of shelters that American citizens need for refuge. DHS also wants Congress to grant the agency permission to find for-profit contractors and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) grantees that will be tasked with running the asylum facilities on behalf of the government. If the proposal is approved by Congress, it will help to meet the court-ordered requirements for special facilities to house illegal migrant children. It remains unclear, though, whether the new housing and cities for illegals would have to release individual families in less than 21 days. Government officials claim they will be able to process illegal migrant families through the facilities within three weeks, thanks to new government efforts to expedite the asylum process. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is also rapidly expanding a program that will allow the agency to more speedily deport migrant families that illegally cross the border and do not qualify for asylum. That program utilizes special GPS monitoring and home curfew requirements as enforcement. While in times past it was mostly single adults, primarily from Mexico, who tried to enter the United States illegally, there has been a surge in more recent years of entire families from countries like Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador that comprise a bulk of those individuals caught by Border Patrol. This new demographic of invaders has prompted the Biden regime to propose new solutions, especially seeing as how it quietly ended the detention of migrant families in 2021 while everyone was distracted by the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) "pandemic." While president, Donald Trump was famously blasted by the media and the establishment at large for "separating" these migrant families at the border, placing parents and adults in one area and children in another. Biden's plan is different in that he wants to create lavish new accommodations for these migrant families to live together on the taxpayer dime. "In addition, courts have put guardrails around how minors can be detained even with their parents – forcing officials to release families from detention after no more than 20 days," Axios further reported. More related news coverage can be found at Sources for this article include: