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Susan Swift: About 98% of abortions in America are just for convenience
By kevinhughes // 2023-08-14
Lawyer and activist Susan Swift thinks the vast majority of abortions in America don't have any valid reason. "What we know is that about 98 percent of pregnancies that have been terminated are really just for convenience. They are not for the life of the mother, they are not rape, they are not incest. So about two percent of all of the abortions are done for some justifiable reason," Swift told host Maria Zeee during a recent episode "Uncensored." The California lawyer, a staunch conservative and proud pro-life activist, also doesn't believe it is justified to kill a baby simply because it was conceived in rape or for any other reason. "Babies that are healthy or don't have a genetic anomaly should not be aborted, especially if it has nothing that to do with saving the mother's life," she said, adding that delivery generally saves the mother's life since it can be done quickly with a cesarean section (C-section) or other methods. Swift is currently serving as the vice president of Legal Affairs at a prominent pro-life organization called Right to Life League. She warned that an abortion in the second or third trimester can take days because they have to use laminaria to open up the cervix and allow the "weapons of destruction" into the womb to tear up or suck the baby. The litigation attorney noted that it actually takes longer to have a second- or third-trimester abortion than having a C-section and delivering a baby to save the mother's life. And for Swift, delivering a baby that may not survive because of preeclampsia or other genetic anomaly is an act of honoring and respecting life.

Abortion is a form of human trafficking

According to Swift, saying that abortion is for the health of the mother is a lie being used to justify the continuing slaughter of babies in the womb. (Related: Susan Swift condemns woke narrative that abortion is "healthcare" and "necessary to save women.") "And it is wrong. It is the slavery of our generation. And it is a form of human trafficking. Abortion basically makes human trafficking available," Swift said. The California lawyer also slammed the so-called reproductive health and education bills in her home state. She pointed out it is basically separating the children from their parents, confusing them sexually and encouraging them to be promiscuous. "So, what we're doing is at younger ages we're encouraging children through our public schools to become sexually active and also to have access to abortion at any time. They want that and that is the ultimate goal. And we're using public money to do it because that's what Californians keep voting for," Swift said. She noted that Americans have gone through 50 years of indoctrination from the media, the pro-abortion group and the abortion cartel, which is advocating for women to kill a human being conceived in the womb. "The abortion cartel considers unborn babies as property, objects or things, and their goal is to dehumanize them," she said. "It is also using fear-mongering and other means to convince women to get an abortion." The pro-life activist also mentioned that the abortion cartel harvests dead or dying babies to use their organs for research. She noted that the vaccine industry partners with the abortion cartel to obtain fetal tissue to be used in developing vaccines against chicken pox, rubella and the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). Swift said the fetal tissue harvested from the baby's organs like the heart, kidney, skin and pituitary gland has to be very fresh for fetal research. She added that fresh tissues from a stillbirth are needed to make the stem cell lines work. "That's what an abortion is. You're killing the baby and taking it out. You are depriving it of life at that moment. But nobody seems to be concerned about that. It is horrific to me. But that is the industry of abortion and vaccine." Follow for more news about abortions in America. Watch the video below featuring Maria Zeee and Susan Swift's discussion about the abortion agenda. This video is from the Tanjerea channel on

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