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Whistleblower reveals more ghoulish details about "demon surgeon" Blair Peters and the horrors he inflicts upon children (op-ed)
By ethanh // 2023-07-20
(Op-ed) A self-proclaimed "queer surgeon" out of Oregon is once again getting outed for his creepy obsession with mutilating children's genitals, which a whistleblower recently came forward to reveal is demonic to its core. Dr. Blair Peters – a "non-binary" doctor at Oregon Health & Science University's Doernbecher Gender Clinic (DGC) – has been making the rounds in the media, including on social media, for his braggartly pride in performing LGBT transgender surgeries on children, some of them as young as 10 years old. Ashley St. Clair tweeted a video of Peters talking about how 80 percent of his practice involves gender-affirming surgeries (GAS), while his "passion lies in genital surgery." "GAS are expanding ... a lot of adolescents presenting for surgical intervention," Peters says in the video with a prideful smirk – watch below: (Related: Peters bragged recently about his clinic's used of a high-tech genital surgery robot that is able to churn out a "high volume" of child sex changes.)

The United States of Sodom and Gomorrah

It turns out there is even more to the story than this as a whistleblower recently came forward to reveal further details about what this "demon surgery" is doing to gender dysphoric children who are underage. A series of images shows the testosterone consent forms offered by the DGC, along with a dosing schedule for girls as young as 10 years old. It is stated in the document that taking testosterone at such a young age can cause a little girl to become permanently infertile, along with other unknown long-term side effects. "Although testosterone is a common treatment for adults with gender dysphoria, using this treatment in young adolescents is a newer development, and the long-term effects are not fully known," the document states. In other words, Peters and his colleagues are performing medical experiments on young children by giving them high-risk hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and highly invasive surgical procedures that involve extracting tissue from the abdomen, colon and other areas of the body to construct artificial penises and vaginas for transgenders. You will notice in the images that testosterone treatments are given to young girls once they hit "Tanner stage 2," which is when girls first develop breast buds beginning at age 10 or 11. Peters admits in the above video that he and his colleagues do not really know what they are doing, and are learning as they go along what works and what does not work – using children for their heinous experiments. "Let's just say that when civil war, national divorce, societal collapse and discontinuity in government happens, some people are going to have a little bit rougher go of it than others," one commenter wrote about the evil child mutilators. "The question that should be asked is what's the likely outcome of those emotionally dysfunctional experimentees that progress to permanent physical alteration," wrote another. "How will they likely respond when they realize they can't fix or undo their mutilation?" The latest news about the transgender cult and its quest to destroy children's bodies and lives can be found at Sources for this article include: