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Robots showcase potential role in achieving UN goals during Geneva summit – but the ultimate goal all along is to REPLACE YOU
By lauraharris // 2023-07-13
Humanoid robots showcased their potential to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) put forward by the United Nations in a press conference. The "AI for Good Global Summit" in Geneva – the world's first ever press conference involving both humans and robots – featured these robots. It was organized by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) to showcase the potential of AI to address the SDGs, which were first established in 2015. Despite the 17 SDGs setting ambitious targets to enhance human life and protect the planet by 2030, many have view these goals as improbable. The humanoid robots at the conference, which are designed to assist and support humans, dismissed fears of job theft and rebellion. They also emphasized their intention to work with their creators. Grace, a medical robot dressed in a nurse's uniform, confidently stated: "I will be working alongside humans to provide assistance and support and will not be replacing any existing jobs." Its creator, Ben Goertzel from SingularityNET, agreed with the statement. Ameca, a robot known for its engaging facial expressions, expressed optimism about the positive impact robots could have on society. It stated: "Robots like me can be used to help improve our lives and make the world a better place. I believe it's only a matter of time before we see thousands of robots like me out there making a difference." Ai-Da, a robot artist specializing in portraits, echoed the sentiments of globalist author Yuval Noah Harari regarding increased regulation of AI during the event. It remarked: "Many prominent voices in the world of AI are suggesting some forms of AI should be regulated, and I agree." Not all robots at the event shared that sentiment, however. Highly-recognized humanoid robot Sophia initially proclaimed the superiority of robots as leaders compared to humans. It was only after discussions with its creator that the robot walked back on its remarks. The robot later acknowledged the importance of cooperation and synergy between humans and robots, an idea its creator also espoused.

AI will eventually render humanity OBSOLETE

Frederic Werner, head of strategic engagement at the ITU's Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, expressed his enthusiasm for the potential of robots. He said: "Robots may take off in the next five years, in the same way that generative AI behind bots like OpenAI's ChatGPT has hit the mainstream this year." "You have the inflection point where material science, battery life, network connectivity, AI and machine learning. All these things will converge to basically make robotics more accessible than they are now." Meanwhile, ITU Secretary General Doreen Bogdan-Martin said she believes in AI's potential to salvage the SDGs before it is too late. While she acknowledged the challenges that come with achieving these goals, she also emphasized the role of technology, particularly AI, in addressing them effectively. But the Health Ranger Mike Adams begged to differ. He pointed out in a January 2023 Situation Update that the increasing presence of AI is fueled by a more malicious agenda. Globalist elites are actively pursuing the eradication of humanity through AI, he added. (Related: Globalists following planetary script to REPLACE HUMANS with AI systems … you are now obsolete.) "Human beings – once valued for their labor contributions, creativity and problem-solving capabilities – are largely considered obsolete by the globalist controllers," the Natural News and founder said. "Now, the script calls for the mass extermination of humans and their replacement with AI systems." "The primary purpose of human beings up to this point, from the point of view of globalists, was to build up sufficient resources and technology to give rise to AI. Now that this tipping point has been reached, humans are obsolete and expendable." Listen to the Health Ranger Mike Adams' Situation Update tackling the globalists' plan to replace humans with AI. This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on

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Globalists following planetary script to REPLACE HUMANS with AI systems … you are now obsolete. Sources include: 1 2