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GOOD LUCK AMERICA: White House admits Biden is using breathing machine for sleep apnea
By bellecarter // 2023-07-04
The White House has admitted that President Joe Biden uses a breathing machine to address his long-standing sleep apnea. "Since 2008, the president has disclosed his history with sleep apnea in thorough medical reports. He used a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine, which is common for people with that history," White House Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates said in a June 28 statement. His remarks followed Biden appearing in public with apparent marks and indentations of the apparatus on his face while speaking with reporters on the White House on the South Lawn. Reports also noted the same marks on the president's face during an event at the White House, where he detailed plans to earmark almost $42.5 billion for high-speed internet networks. According to the National Institutes of Health, the use of CPAP machines helps improve sleep quality and reduce snoring by keeping airways open while users hooked to it sleep. Masks for CPAP machines can have multiple straps, as evidenced by the markings on Biden's face. Sleep apnea is a common condition in which airways become obstructed at night, reducing airflow. Over time, the repeated interruptions of oxygen supply and disruption to sleep can have life-threatening consequences, pushing up levels of stress hormones in the body. If left untreated, the sleeping condition is closely linked to serious health problems, including diabetes, stroke and heart disease. Back in October 2008, doctors believe that the then-vice president's irregular heartbeat was likely linked to his sleep apnea. Bloomberg later reported that in February 2023, the White House released medical findings that stated Biden had been dealing with congested airways for most of his life. The findings also noted his previous multiple surgeries on the sinus and nasal passages.

Voters concerned with Biden's physical, mental health

Following the White House's admission, many have expressed concern about the physical and mental health of Biden – who is currently the nation's oldest president at 80. A poll done by Yahoo and YouGov back in March of this year found that two-thirds of Americans – including 48 percent of self-described Democrats – believe Biden is too old for another term. Meanwhile, a separate survey by NBC News found that 68 percent of voters have concerns about Biden having the necessary mental and physical health to be president – including 55 percent who say they have "major" concerns. Concerns about Biden's fitness have grown since the last poll conducted in October 2020, which showed 51 percent of voters having the said concerns and 38 percent having "major" concerns. His rivals for the 2024 presidential elections have used this as a vital talking point. Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, for example, has called for candidates above 75 years old to submit to mental competency tests. Despite this, Biden has repeatedly tried to make light of his age as he steps up his 2024 reelection bid. (Related: Biden insists he's still capable of leading America, but his MIND and BODY are clearly not up to the task.) "Even if you're as old as I am, you can't think of a time when the world was moving so rapidly in determining what their alliances were and where they were," Biden told donors at a Maryland fundraiser. Visit for more stories related to the current president's physical and mental health. Watch this side-by-side comparison of two of the president's videos that sparks concerns about his health. This video is from the Pain Coming channel on

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