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The North Face unleashes trans-pushing commercial with adult drag queen demanding that children "come out!"
By ethanh // 2023-05-25
The latest multinational corporation to embrace the bizarre trend of "woke" transgenderism is The North Face, an outdoor gear company that just released a poorly made advertisement featuring a loud-mouthed "drag queen" telling children to just "come out!" already. In eager anticipation of the upcoming LGBTQIA2s+ Pride Month festivities, which every year takes over the month of June, The North Face released the following ad (WARNING: Viewer discretion is advised): "Hi, it's me, Pattie Gonia, a real-life homosexual," the drag queen in the ad mockingly states, calling "herself" a play on words for Patagonia, a popular outdoor gear brand. "We are here to invite you to come out ... in nature with us," Pattie Gonia screams while standing in a wooded area. "We like to call this little tour the Summer of Pride. This tour has everything: hiking, community, art, lesbians, lesbians making art." (Related: Remember back in late 2020 when The North Face refused to fulfill a large corporate order because the company that placed it works with earth-based "fossil" fuels?)

The North Face says LGBT pride gear is how the company honors and worships "Mother Nature"

The rest of the ad goes on to feature Pattie Gonia revealing that last year, The North Face "gay sashayed across the nation and celebrated pride with hundreds of you." "This year we're back, back, back again with two new stops: Atlanta, GA ... y? Because you're there. And Salt Lake City, we're coming for you." The other locations The North Face plans to hit up in its quest to compel as many children as possible to "come out" include Portland, Denver, Columbus, OH, and San Francisco. The drag queen in last year's Summer of Pride ad – yes, this has happened before – was wearing a dress shaped like an open tent with a man lying down underneath it. That drag queen said: "We roar. We heal. We become. Mother Nature guides us to where we need to be – and we dress up to honor her." In other words, all that hideous, multi-colored pride gear being pushed on children is a ritualistic form of worship for Mother Nature – or at least that is what it means to the people at The North Face, which are embracing pride without shame. Customers who attend these North Face Summer of Pride events are encouraged to purchase multi-colored shoes and other company apparel for upwards of hundreds of dollars. "Why companies feel the need to go woke is uncanny," one commenter wrote in utter shock at The North Face's unabashed support for LGBT perversion and child grooming. "Alienating half of their potential customers is a bold business strategy," wrote another about this disgusting agenda. Others could not help but notice that The North Face is pulling another Bud Light hat trick, which is not exactly going so well for Anheuser-Busch. The question is: will The North Face survive the backlash? "It's as though all of these corporations are floating very slowly down a river towards a waterfall with jagged rocks at the bottom," another person wrote. "Each watching the one before fall very slowly to their demise ... yet they all have plenty of time to simply paddle to the side." And finally, there were numerous comments from former North Face customers who indicated that they will no longer be purchasing the company's overpriced outdoor wear or gear, which is easily substituted for much better and less expensive items from its competitors. The trans-ification of America is clearly being propelled in large part by big corporations such as North Face. To learn more, visit Sources include: