#CANCELBALENCIAGA: Anti-groomer groups organize NATIONWIDE protest against Balenciaga for normalizing child pornography with disgusting BDSM ad for children
Pro-family groups, Mom Army and Dad Army, and anti-groomer group, Gays Against Groomers are mobilizing for a nationwide protest against high-end fashion brand Balenciaga tomorrow, December 3, after the company published a creepy ad featuring children, bondage gear, and references to child porn.
(Article by Jordan Conradson republished from
The Gateway Pundit
previously reported that Balenciaga has received internet backlash for a creepy ad that features two young girls holding stuffed animals dressed in what looks to be bondage gear.
In one photo, a little girl is shown wearing one of the company’s T-shirts while she holds the strap of a white bear wearing a vest with a padlocked choker around its neck.
Another photo featured a little girl wearing a blue outfit while holding a purple stuffed animal that was also dressed in BDSM gear.
The company also advertised a handbag with a copy of United States v. Williams, a child pornography case decided by the Supreme Court, as a prop.
The creepy ad crossed many lines and sparked outrage online for normalizing child pornography.
The Gateway Pundit
reported that despite even Balenciaga apologizing for the shoot,
The New York Times wrote a lengthy puff piece titled “When High Fashion and QAnon Collide,” blaming QAnon and conspiracy theories for the public outrage.
Mom Army and Gays against groomers posted the following advertisement for the protest against this lewd and lascivious advertising on
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="432"]

@GaysAgainstGroomers and
@The.MomArmy on Instagram[/caption]
For more information and protest locations across the United States and in Toronto, visit this page.
Mom Army is a survivor-led organization whose
mission statement is,
Activating and uniting a million Mama Bears and our allies in the battle to protect children and their innocence.
We are mobilized to boldly bring awareness, advocate for positive change, and assert our parental rights.
Mom Army’s founder, Seak Smith, put out the following press release, announcing the nationwide protest against Balenciaga’s sexual exploitation of children and exposing the celebrity and fashion world for their silence on the issue.
Smith told The Gateway Pundit, “The blatant sexual exploitation of children by Balenciaga is something we should all agree is abhorrent. We must be a society that protects children and their innocence. That is our mission with this nationwide silent protest, and as a survivor-led organization, that is our mission at MOM Army.”
Protect the children and protest Balenciaga in your state this Saturday!
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