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No-lockdown Sweden now has lowest excess COVID-19 deaths worldwide
By ramontomeydw // 2022-12-02
The Scandinavian country of Sweden now has the lowest excess deaths from Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) among many nations worldwide because it did not impose lockdowns and kept schools open. In a Nov. 8 piece published on his Substack, political activist and commentator Joel Smalley pointed out that Sweden only had a 6.7 percent rate of cumulative excess deaths from COVID-19 between 2020 and 2022. In contrast, the South American nation of Chile had a 64.1 percent rate of cumulative excess COVID-19 deaths in the same period – about 10 times that of Sweden. Compared to Sweden's no-lockdown approach, Chile heavily relied on draconian lockdowns and vaccinations to address the pandemic. (Related: Chile's mass vaccination campaign fails to save it from recent coronavirus surge.) "Experimental attempts at mitigating the spread of the [SARS-CoV-2] virus through various 'social distancing' measures – including school and business closures, imprisoning healthy people in their homes, forced wearing of masks, etc. – show very little evidence of benefit," Smalley wrote. "The harms of these interventions are also apparent in the ultimate excess death numbers." The political activist also pointed out the insanity of putting "the same people responsible for making [COVID-19] in charge of making the antidote," which Smalley compared to "putting arsonists in charge of fire policy after they have burnt down the city." "It is abundantly clear that there is no reduction in COVID deaths as a result of the mass administration of the experimental 'vaccine,'" he wrote. "Moreover, as we should logically expect deficits in periods after excess mortality such as occurred in the nine months prior to the medical experiment, greater protection from herd immunity and the natural selection of less virulent variants, it is difficult to argue against the allegation that the experiment has somehow contributed to the perpetuation of COVID rather than its demise. This is further supported by the fact that COVID and excess deaths both taper off in line with society’s final realization that they should take no further part in the experiment."

Giesecke: Swedes respond to more sensible COVID-19 measures

Back in 2020, pandemic government advisor Dr. Johan Giesecke argued in an interview that the Swedish people would respond better to more sensible measures. He also denounced the draconian lockdowns imposed in the United Kingdom and Australia in the same interview, warning that a second wave would be inevitable once measures are relaxed. "The Swedish government decided early in January that the measures we should take against the pandemic should be evidence-based," he said. "When you start looking around at the measures being taken by different countries, you find that very few of them have a shred of evidence [as basis]." Giesecke also told UnHerd that there was "almost no science" behind border closures, school closures and social distancing. "I think that the difference between countries will be quite small in the end," he explained. "I don't think you can stop [COVID-19]. It's spreading. It will roll over Europe no matter what you do." The advisor to the Swedish government found an ally in the person of NewsPunch's Baxter Dmitry. In a Nov. 30 piece, Dmitry noted that Sweden was "the only country in the world to have faith in the immune systems and common sense of [its] population. Now, [the country is] being rewarded with the lowest pandemic excess mortality rate in the world." Moreover, he added that Sweden was "the only developed country to keep their head … while [countries] all around were losing theirs" The NewsPunch writer also noted a similar observation in Africa, writing that in spite of the continent's six percent vaccination rate, "the virus is nowhere to be seen" and "excess deaths are not climbing." has more stories about the benefits of a no-lockdown approach to COVID-19. Watch this G News report about Sweden lifting COVID-19 restrictions.
This video is from the Chinese taking down EVIL CCP channel on

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