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Lin Wood: President Trump will be inaugurated in January
By franzwalkerdw // 2020-12-02
Lin Wood has stated that President Donald Trump will be inaugurated for his second term this coming January based on investigations into voter fraud on Dominion Voting Systems' machines. Wood made the claim during an interview with The John Fredericks Show where he discussed the details of his recent court victory. Specifically, he was talking about the recent court decision to impound Dominion vote machines in three counties in Georgia. "Dominion originated in Venezuela. It’s a Canadian company. Its servers were used in Barcelona and in Frankfurt," he said. "There's no question that there will be overwhelming evidence that foreign countries, including China were involved in interfering with our elections."

Georgia governor and media conspired to interfere with election results

During the interview, Wood stated that President Trump knew what he was doing with the current legal battles against the election results. Wood also claimed that Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger as well as members of the media had conspired to interfere with election results. He specifically stated Raffensperger's involvement was the reason he was not able to open a forensic investigation of the machines. "He who has nothing to hide, hides nothing," he said. "The secretary of state is taking every action he can through lawyers to try to prevent an inspection of these machines. He has something to hide." Wood also stated that a number of Republican party members and government officials were also involved, though he refused to name any individuals. (Related: Lin Wood tweets bombshell exposing election fraud at State Farm Arena in Georgia.) With the voting machines now impounded, Wood says that his experts will analyze their hard drives. He claimed that the machines were likely rigged to apply an algorithm that weighed Democratic candidate Joe Biden's votes heavier than Trump's.

Dominion linked to Hugo Chavez

As part of his affidavit, Wood included a testimony from a supposed former aide of former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. The aide's testimony stated that they had witnessed how Chavez created and operated voting systems that would manipulate elections in his favor. The elections in Venezuela used machines provided by Smartmatic – a company founded by Venezuelans. Many Republicans behind the suits contend that Dominion used software from Smartmatic in their voting machines, a claim that Dominion has denied.

Claim comes as Republicans suits are withdrawn

Wood's claim that President Trump will eventually win his court cases against the election results comes as Republicans continue to withdraw the cases. In Nevada, a lawsuit that claimed that election results included votes from people no longer living in the state was withdrawn on Monday, Nov. 20. The suit was withdrawn after the contested votes were found to belong to military members and their families, who can vote in Nevada legally. Prior to this, on Nov. 16, suits filed by voters in federal courts in Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania were also pulled. These suits were filed by the law firm of conservative attorney James Bopp Jr. President Trump's campaign lawyers have also filed over 40 separate lawsuits in six key battleground states. Of these, 26 have been either denied, dismissed, settled or withdrawn. The majority of the remaining lawsuits are being led by President Trump's former campaign attorney Sidney Powell. Like Wood, Powell is also questioning the security of Dominion's voting machines in 17 states, saying that they were open to foreign tampering. "Smartmatic and Dominion were founded by foreign oligarchs and dictators to ensure computerized ballot-stuffing and vote manipulation to whatever level was needed to make certain Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez never lost another election," one of the lawsuits claims. "Notably, Chavez 'won' every election thereafter." She claimed that, in Georgia alone, the machines affected "tens of thousands of votes" and "rigged" the election in favor of Democratic contender Joe Biden. But Dominion has refuted Powell's, and Wood's, claims. "Every vote from a Dominion device in Georgia is documented on an auditable paper trail and creates a verifiable paper ballot available for hand-counting," the company said in a statement. "In fact, the Georgia hand counts, independent audits, and machine tests have all repeatedly affirmed that the machine counts were accurate." For more developments on the election lawsuit in Georgia, follow Sources include: