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Sidney Powell files suit on behalf of Arizona’s GOP electors claiming large-scale vote fraud involving hundreds of thousands of ballots
By jdheyes // 2020-12-04
No question about it: When it comes to filing election fraud lawsuits, former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell is operating under the mantra, “Go big or go home.”  That’s probably because the stakes are so high: Literally the future of our country as founded. Earlier this week, Powell filed suit on behalf of Arizona’s 11 GOP electors alleging that at least 400,000 ballots were illegally cast in the state’s general election, while also claiming that the Dominion Voting Systems software created unprecedented security risks and statistical anomalies that indicate mass fraud. The 53-page complaint, among other things, alleges that there were several occurrences of software manipulation and other fraud throughout the state “as set forth in the affidavits of eyewitnesses and the voter data cited” that constitutes violations of Arizona election law as well as the U.S. Constitution, The Epoch Times reports. “The multifaceted schemes and artifices implemented by Defendants and their collaborators to defraud resulted in the unlawful counting, or fabrication, of hundreds of thousands of illegal, ineligible, duplicate or purely fictitious ballots in the State of Arizona,” says the suit. These “collectively add up to multiples of Biden’s purported lead in the State of 10,457 votes,” the suit argued, adding that an alleged 412,000 “illegally cast ballots,” at least, were registered. The outlet added:  Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey and Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs are listed as defendants in the lawsuit. Both certified the state’s presidential election results on Monday and challenged claims of election fraud, saying all voting machines were certified by a federal commission and reviewed by state officials, that credentialed poll observers witnessed all ballot tabulating, and cameras were in ballot tabulation centers with live streams able to be viewed over the Internet. Ducey said on Twitter on Tuesday that following the certification, the state’s electors had a five-day window to challenge the certification in court. And so they have. The suit focuses, in part, on what witnesses and others claimed is an “especially egregious range of conduct” in Maricopa County, home to Phoenix, and other counties that used the Dominion machines and software. Just a few days before Powell filed suit, Maricopa County GOP chairwoman Linda Brickman, who is a veteran poll worker, told members of the Arizona state legislature that she witnessed votes for President Trump being counted as votes for Biden when they were inputted into the Dominion machines.  She noted in a sworn affidavit, under penalty of perjury, and in testimony that her Democrat partners also witnessed “more than once” Trump votes defaulting and shifting to Biden votes when they were manually transferring voter choices from unreadable paper ballots into the Dominion machines. President Trump’s legal team has also presented evidence and sworn affidavit testimony in which other witnesses made the same claims regarding the Dominion machines.  Powell’s suit on behalf of state electors also alleges that Dominion Voting Systems violated Arizona laws. (Related: Georgia officials approve extended mail-in ballots, paving the way to STEAL run-off senate races like they stole the 2020 Presidential election.) “Dominion violated physical security standards by connecting voting machines to the Internet, allowing Dominion, domestic third parties or hostile foreign actors to access the system and manipulate election results, and moreover potentially to cover their tracks due to Dominion’s unprotected log,” the suit says.  On Monday, the president called into the Arizona election integrity hearing in which he said what happened during the Nov. 3 elections was “the greatest scam ever perpetrated on our country.” “The 2020 election was rigged. It was a scam, and the whole world is watching and they are laughing at our country,” he said, while chastising GOP Gov. Ducey for rushing to certify the election results for Biden. Ducey defended the election system, saying Arizona has “some of the strongest election laws in the country.” That may be true, but people engaged in electronic ballot altering and theft who don’t leave a trace (other than witnesses who watch it happen in real-time) don’t really care about Arizona’s election laws, obviously. Stay current with President Trump’s election fraud battles at Sources include:  