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HUGE! CHEATER CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Pennsylvania election worker CAUGHT filling out ballots for A HALF HOUR (VIDEO)
By victort1 // 2020-11-06

President Trump CRUSHED IT in Pennsylvania! Trump far exceeded expectations!

(Article by Jim Hoft republished from Democrats needed NEARLY 700,000 VOTES after ballots were counted on election night to catch President Donald Trump. So they had work to do. This was a 500 ballot steal they were looking at. This was 700,000 VOTES they needed. Now we know how they got it done– A ballot counter was caught on video filling out ballots for A HALF HOUR at her table! The camera caught her as she filled out the ballots. And a security guard was seen walking past her as she filled in the ballots. This is DEMOCRAT cheating caught on video!! Here is another view. Read more at: