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All employees of Big Tech are hereby designated enemies of America
By healthranger // 2020-10-31
DHS Acting Secretary Chad Wolf has now called out Twitter for its censorship, claiming the social media platform "endangers national security" with its outrageous, never-ending censorship spree. In a scathing letter, Wolf demanded Twitter, "commit to never again censoring content" on its platform, following Twitter's malicious censorship of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Mark Morgan. Now that Twitter is censoring government, it seems that Big Government is beginning to finally notice how dangerous Big Tech has become. As I have relentlessly warned for the last four years, Big Tech already believes it need not answer to any government, and its CEOs like Dorsey believe they are above the law while suffering from the delusion that they alone possess a sort of twisted "divine right" to determine what people are allowed to speak, share, say or hear. Over the last four years, I have repeatedly called for Jack Dorsey to be arrested and tried for treason, election interference, racketeering and fraud. Now, suddenly, the head of the Dept. of Homeland Security is echoing my own warnings, explaining how Twitter's censorship is a national security threat. But isn't it interesting that until Big Tech's censorship authoritarianism reached the level of censoring government itself, nobody in government seemed to mind Twitter's censorship of private sector businesses and citizens? Now, it's suddenly a "national security" issue. In his letter, Wolf wrote: As the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies continue to rely on Twitter to share important information with the U.S. public, your censorship poses a threat to our security. Twitter had censored the head of CBP for posting an update about the progress of building the border wall. In response, Twitter's radical left-wing moderators / censors wrote: You may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease. This is the same deception that Twitter and other tech giants use against anyone working to protect children from transgenderism indoctrination, warn the public about the dangers of toxic vaccines, or defend the rights of Christians, conservatives or police officers. To the deranged, lunatic Left, any defense of police, White people, Christianity or America is "hate speech." In Wolf's letter to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, he explained, "The acting commissioner’s tweet did none of these things... CBP guards the front line of the American homeland. CBP repels and arrests thousands of violent criminal gang members each year. CBP rescues young girls who are forced into cross-border sex trafficking. CBP intercepts dangerous drugs and contraband, including enough of the opioid fentanyl to kill every man, woman, and child in the United States several times over." But Twitter doesn't care. Any talk of building a border wall is "hate speech" and must be silenced. As The Epoch Times writes: Wolf’s letter to Dorsey came the same day Twitter decided to unfreeze the account of the New York Post. The outlet was unable to post content on its Twitter account since Oct. 14 after it shared a stories about alleged overseas business dealings of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden. Twitter stipulated that the outlet had to delete the original Biden Twitter posts before being able to tweet again, before changing its stance on Friday.

All employees of Big Tech are hereby designated enemies of America

What this episode reveals in great details is the inescapable truth that's now apparent to everyone: It's not just the CEOs of these tech giants that are evil, criminal fraudsters and hate-filled intolerant bigots, it's their employees, too! Because of their dedication to authoritarianism and the destruction of free speech, every employee of Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and the fake news media cartels (CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, WashPost, etc.) is an enemy of America. They despise this nation and actively work to destroy America's border security, Constitution, Bill of Rights and rule of law. It's not just the criminal leaders of these organizations like Dorsey and Zuckerberg, in other words; it's their digital jackbooted thugs who sit in their cubicles and silence all the speech they don't want Americans to be able to read or share. That speech includes information about America's national security, obviously, as well as anything posted in support of law enforcement such as "thin blue line" flags, which Twitter and Facebook consider to be hate speech against BLM. With Big Tech's censorship, human civilization is now facing a war that's just as dangerous and destructive as any war in human history, including World War II and the battle against Hitler's Third Reich. The tech companies designated enemies of America include:
  • Google
  • Apple
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Pinterest
  • Wikipedia
  • Instagram
We do not espouse violence against anyone working for these companies, but rather call on federal law enforcement to arrest, charge and prosecute the CEOs, managers and employees of these companies for treason, racketeering and a conspiracy to defraud the United States of America. (See below.)

Malicious censorship is no accident; it is deliberate and targeted to silence Americans while promoting the interests of communist China

Twitter and the other tech giants keep claiming their censorship is an "accident," but that's just a dishonest cover story. It's clear their censorship is deliberate and that the very philosophy of authoritarianism and censorship is now systemic in the company cultures of the tech giants. You could call it, "systemic intolerance" or just plain "digital bigotry," but the employees and contractors who work for these tech companies are, themselves, the very kind of racist, intolerant bullies they accuse Trump supporters of being. Once again, it's all projection. Thus, when Trump wins the election and it comes time to clean house and arrest the CEOs of the tech companies and charge them with treason, racketeering and fraud, we must remember that the employees and managers of these tech companies are complicit in crimes against the American people. They must not be let off the hook without facing arrest and prosecution for their complicity. Remember: As we learned from the East German soldiers manning the Berlin Wall, someone claiming, "I was just following orders" is no excuse.

The damage inflicted upon human freedom by Big Tech's censorship is incalculable

Big Tech's employees conspired to destroy the lives of millions of Americans who have been irreparably harmed -- financially and emotionally -- by the extreme and deliberate censorship policies of companies like Twitter. These employees are just as guilty as Dorsey himself, and they must face prosecution for their conspiracy of crimes against America. Remember this as the civil war erupts due to insane, violent Leftists who are trying to carry out an extremist coup against this nation: Many of the Left's footsoldiers who are throwing Molotov cocktails and committing arson on the streets are also employees of Big Tech. During the day, they destroy this nation on the digital battlefield; at night they burn America's cities and small businesses to the ground, further shoring up the power of the corporate monopolists. These people are, in essence, enemy combatants on a battlefield they declared. They are enemies of America and they must be brought down through the application of force under law. These enemies of America have already proven they are willing to abuse and exploit their power to destroy you, and their larger goal is the complete destruction of our republic. If they are not stopped by force under law, they will continue their path of total destruction until nothing remains. Stop them now or lose America forever. And once Dorsey, Zuckerberg, Pichai and others are convicted in a court of law, America must choose a punishment for them that is consistent with the degree of human suffering they have inflicted upon millions of others. A death sentence would be far too kind. These tech CEOs must be made to endure their lawfully-decided punishments, for decades to come. In doing so, we will be sending a message to all future would-be tyrants that America takes its freedoms seriously, and that those who conspire to destroy this nation's First Amendment or Second Amendment will be dealt with in exactly the way they deserve. Once the Big Tech criminals are brought to justice, the U.S. government must seize all the assets of the tech giants, shut down their operations, and redistribute all assets to those who were harmed by Big Tech's malicious censorship. We need a nationwide class action settlement to right the wrongs of traitors like Dorsey, Zuckerberg and Pichai. Even that will only scratch the surface in repairing the damage they've done to hundreds of millions of individuals and small businesses across this planet. The evils of censorship are technically incalculable, just as the evils of the Third Reich could never be righted via the Nuremburg Trials. But at least it's a start. And if we are to coexist as a civil society ever again, those on the Left who conspired and colluded to suppress the human dignity of their political opponents must confess to their crimes and face a just punishment for their malicious betrayal of humanity.  